Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Look who's awake! 
It's time for his 4 am party,  after all.  

In all honesty,  I don't even mind. It's nice to see those eyes. He was rubbing his eyes some at 3, which was the most activity he'd had that wasn't pain related. At 4, his nurse brought oral Tylenol and instead of fighting it,  he grabbed the syringe and sucked it down! 

He's still on constant morphine, but hasn't had a bolus since 0245. He also watched the nurse as she hooked up his antibiotic and yelled at her when she took his temp and blood pressure.  

He hasn't had any food or drink in more than 24 hours,  as he refused the apple juice they've tried to give him. So we figured since he's been vomiting anyway,  we'd try nursing. He was definitely happy to partake for a minute and then went back to sleep.

Still dealing with swelling, now both legs are swollen. Arms are looking a bit better,  though.  You can tell he doesn't feel good and he still whimpers a lot, but it's nice to see some alertness. Thanks for all the love and prayers!

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