Surgery was delayed from the Start (first patient got lost and was late). So thankfully they called as we were loading up and we got an extra hour at home. They also okayed body armor and he was so excited to have free reign on that bottle of "armor." Good distraction from the muffin he was trying to get out of the freezer. Fasting is hard this age! (And all ages.)
Kids saying goodbye.
Made it to the hospital! All good so far! Napped the whole way here and he has his cow that his friends the Webbers sent from CO!
Not so happy now.
Snuggles. Checking out that thing they call Pooh Bear on the tv, he was swimming in honey and there were bees! Judah loves bees.
The bubble gun emerges!
Finally smiles!
Talking to the family, showing off the toys he's got.
So many bubbles.
All Done! He kept saying "bye-bye. See ya later."
NOW he wants his sticker?! He wanted mine as well but I didn't want to go through the COVID screening again to get another.

Dr Park finally came by! He gave Jude a smiley face. Jude was not happy about that! Hilarious, as he's happy to draw all over himself every chance he gets.
He then made a smile face where he's going to have surgery. Or rather, he tried but Judah was fighting him so it's more of a shocked face.
Side note, Judah at best hid for everyone today, at worst screamed. And then Dr Park came in and he smiled at him! He always smiles for Dr Park. It is so sweet.
Well it's been 2 hours in pre-op. He wants to go for a walk.
Making sure that bubble gun is completely empty before we return it.
I decline Versed, which us a drug they give kids to try to calm them before surgery so they don't freak out when they are taken from their parents. Selah was given it once, and she became hysterical. It was way worse than them just taking her away screaming. It does occasionally cause that side effect and I have no interest in making this any worse than it already is.
So, blessedly, they let me bring him back to the OR. Which meant putting on the bee-keeper suit and Judah did not like it.
Putting on the hair net was the ultimate no. He REALLY didn't like that one. You can see the blue thing he's ripping off in the background. However, once the docs came back to get us he didn't care anymore as long as I was holding him.
And, we had a great Anesthesiology fellow who went an got a new (full) bubble gun and we had a bubble parade all the way to the OR. Serious win, Judah loved it.
They took him back at 2, and I got an update at 245 that surgery had started and all is well. Expectation was 2-3 hours, though the nurse today said 4.
We were told 3 days inpatient so I counted that to be Saturday for going home but Dr Park said Sunday or Monday, most likely. Kind of a bummer but I know he'll send us home as soon as he thinks it is safe.
Thanks for all of the prayers!
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