Saturday, February 11, 2012

Such a girl

I went to a mom2mom sale this morning. What's a mom2mom sale? One of the best inventions ever. It amazes me that it's still primarily a Michigan thing. It may be the best thing to ever come out of Michigan. Okay, perhaps not. But it's a fabulous idea. 
When we moved here, people kept talking about them. So finally I asked what it was. "It's like a giant indoor garage sale," I was told.

Hmm, not really my thing, I thought. But then, a friend told me they were totally worth going to. So we went to one. Awesome is hardly accurate. It's a garage sale of 100 families or so in one building (usually a school or church) all selling kid stuff. Now, just like garage sales, you have people trying to make money. But you also have those who understand the concept and sell everything for a dollar or two. Score. Now that I've learned this, I can tell just by looking at a few items if I should even look, or if there is no way I'm paying that much. Some people seem to think they should get what they paid for it. But my favorite tables are the one that are posted "Everything's a dollar." I'm talking brand name sweaters and dresses for a dollar. (Sometimes two or three.) But stuff that I know I can pass down, because the quality is high. Makes it virtually impossible to pay retail for anything, even on sale!

The point is, I got quite a few things for Selah today. And boy was she excited. She was squealing and kissing me and kissing her clothes. It's absolutely hilarious. And she just kept asking me if I washed them, yet. Finally, I gave in and put them in the washer- here she is watching them wash. Such a sweet child. It's amazing what a new wardrobe will do for her. (Of course, I would be pretty excited about a new wardrobe, too! Too bad they don't have mom2mom sales for the moms!)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

sooo??? WHere are some of the pictures of her in these new outfits?

And we have those mom-to-mom sales around here I think. I've never been. do you find stuff for the older boys ever? Or is it mostly younger kid stuff?