Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Dressers!

I'm ridiculously excited to have new dressers as we've never had enough space to store clothes. When Micah was born we HAD to buy another dresser, and it had nowhere to go but the living room /hallway in the condo. Actuallly, now that I think about it,  I believe the changing table dresser was in the living room/hallway and the dresser went in the kids' room and that's how Selah ended up in the closet,  perhaps? I don't remember clearly. But it still wasn't nearly enough extra space and things improved when we moved into the new house since we bought Selah a whole bedroom set with 2 dressers and 2 nightstands. And she has a good size closet. That meant Micah got both the changing table and the dresser plus a GIANT closet that is simply storage at this point. And the boys have 2 dressers, which isn't enough, especially since we made one of their closets into a fort. So they're next on the list since Micah will be moving in with them very shortly. (EEK!) But it's kind of a relief that Bryan and I got new dressers yesterday. After a mere 11 years of marriage, we just might have room for all of our clothes to have a place! We bought a new bed shortly after Noah was born, and a dresser to go with it. But we couldn't afford more than that (or even that, really.) So then when we moved into this house, be splurged on nightstands! 3 more small drawers each. Sweet! Our closet, however, is so bad I didn't want to buy this house because of it. Seriously. Our house in GA I can honestly say I chose because it had a great yard and an awesome master closet. Especially after I got it organized. This house? The yard and master closet are both terrible. So we bought some new chests and we are going to start redoing our closet this week. YAY! Not much is more exciting than demolition, paint, wood, and power tools! I just can't wait. I have a really strange love for an organized closet. I LOVE opening closets to see then all nice and neat and organized. As in, I've, on occasion...and I refuse to acknowledge the frequency of such occasions ...been known to open closets just to look. Bryan wants to build a house someday and I think he may be a bit disturbed when he sees just how many square feet I intend to devote to closets. But we can deal with that when the time comes. So here's our new dressers...they don't match in color or style but they're very practical. The big one is way taller than I am, I can barely see in the second drawer and can only pat around in the top drawer. So I guess if Bryan wants to hide something from me, there's a good place to do it! And the kids are LOVING the door part. It opens and has shelves (which are yet bare) and a mirror on the door. So they like the full size mirror, we've never had one before (I'm very excited about this! I will no longer have to rely on Bryan's opinion of my outfit nor stand on my bathtub to try to see as much as possible. Yes, I do that.) I keep catching them looking in the mirror or climbing in and hiding on the shelves. And Jonah did shut Micah in there once, but I do hope there won't be a repeat of that. Once again, I wonder why we buy toys...

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