I was reminiscing of my childhood when I saw Melissa's post about soccer in the rain recently. And today we got to have the same thing. Jonah plays for the Dogfish (there are worse names- like the slugs and the guppies! I think that we actually have the best name in our league) and Bryan is their coach (poor kid!- only kidding, they both love it). Noah is their cheerleader- he yells dogfish all of the time.
Anyway, it was Selah's first game, and we managed to keep her asleep and dry, though some of the moms were disappointed to only get a peek. I forgot Noah's snacks and toys- it was hard enough to get Selah fed, dressed and out the door by 8:50! (Okay, I did not succeed. We left at 9:01, but that is not so bad, right?)

Noah holding the umbrella up high so that I could come under with him. (As if I was getting off my chair to stand in the rain under a Diego umbrella.
Umm, not today, sorry!)

That is Jonah about to eat the ball. Well, it was pretty wet out there...

Stay back or I will karate chop you in the neck!

Just getting a little
exercise. Gotta be in good shape if I want to go to the Air Force Academy in 16 years!
Selah, enjoying the fresh air.

Jonah made it to the front of the swarm.
Selah is so precious, that her soon-to-be Godfather cannot bear to think a drop of water may somehow get to her. (Well, she is pretty sweet, she may melt!) He walked her all the way to the van like this. And as a side note, Beach umbrellas are not totally waterproof... as proven by my wet hair and jeans...

Totally unrelated, but our butterflies hatched. We have 4 that made it. The boys think they are pretty cool.
1 comment:
How fun that you guys got to do the butterflies - wasn't that amazing to watch them come out of the crysalis? Selah is so adorable - you are making me really miss that newborn stage.
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