I know, I promised these yesterday. I was a bit tired last night when Bryan got back and this morning there was no internet connection. I apologize.
The last picture of the family of four. (We have decided we can no longer say "just" when referring to our family. Just the four of us, is okay. Just the five of us, maybe not so much.)

See, labor isn't that bad! (Okay, so they hadn't started the
pitocin yet, what does that matter?)

12:35 pm on September 2
nd, 2008
Selah Ruth is here.

Weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz and 18 1/2 inches. She is
itty bitty and has HAIR! (not a lot, but more than the boys!)

Happy Birthday
Selah! (They sent a cake from the cafeteria. This was Noah's favorite part!)

What's that smell...?

Guess we have to keep her.

The super proud and excited big brother Jonah! He honestly wanted to hold her the whole time he was up here, and he calls every hour from the house to check on her! Will the excitement last...?

Jonah giving
Selah her first bath. She LOVED having her hair washed. The rest of it, not so much!
Meemaw and
Selah. She looks JUST like the boys in this picture. (just smaller)

Dr. Jonah administering the blue stuff (triple dye?) to
Selah's umbilical cord.
Ahhh, peace under the heat lamps. Maybe it isn't so bad being here after all.

Daddy is SO happy to have a daughter!

Our new family of five.

Thank you for all of your prayers, things went amazingly well. They always say it gets easier every time, and I have been fortunate enough for that to be true for me. (Not sure I want it to go much faster! In 35 minutes we went from 6 to holding a daughter. Sorry for all of you who aren't so lucky- I suggest requesting drugs from the moment you get to the hospital, and eventually they will give in and give them to you! If you are lucky enough, you won't even be in pain yet!) We should be home this afternoon, and I am sure she will decide she no longer likes to sleep and one of the boys will get the flu... but for now, we are in Heaven.
Congratulations! What a beautiful girl. It's about time. Hope everyone is healthy and sane.
A great BIG congratulations to ALL of you on the newest addition to your beautiful family. She does look like the boys, but I saw it in one of the lower photos of her by herself. I DO hope I get to meet her before she's walking LOL. Love to all, Mike and Johnna/"grandma and grandpa boerner"
Congratulations to the entire family! They let the boys be so involved...that's great. And you are right. You can no longer say 'just' when referring to your family. And people will begin to look at you like you are crazy. And get ready...EVERYONE will ask you 'now that you have your girl, are you done?' or make some comment along the lines of 'oh you finally got your girl'. It's cute at first...but quickly gets annoying!
Congrats guys! She is such a beautiful baby. Enjoy your heaven with Selah. I wish I could hold her!
Congrats! So so cute and love her name. Hope all is going well!
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