You just might want to make sure that they are washable!
(Which they are. I don't care how much extra it is, I have learned the hard way it is cheaper in the long run!)
She's two weeks old today. Hard to believe. But, I am grateful too, as I am feeling much better- and much more tired- smile. My belly is not longer quite so frightening, which my children did not hesitate to point out. Noah asked if there was another baby in there- and maybe we'd have TWO babies on the weekend! Thankfully not, don't think I could handle that right now! The lady who cut Noah's hair last week asked if we were having another boy. HELLO, the baby was not but 5 feet away! Thankfully she was only 6 days old so I did not feel TOO horrible. But I thought my shirt hid it well that day. I will not be wearing that one again , I assure you! And Jonah just wanted to know why my belly was still so big when the baby wasn't in there anymore. Just another one of those evil things about life, I suppose. Bryan has been a bit kinder. He has mentioned a couple of time how much smaller my belly looks. I am taking that as a compliment no matter what the intention had been! (As if the belly wasn't enough, I tore my very last back up contact a week and a half ago, and have had to wear my glasses since then. I look terrible, and just can't seem to motivate myself to call the eye doctor. Probably because it is going to cost a fortune, since Bryan needs to go, too. Ahh, maybe tomorrow!)
Actually, I forgot. Bryan did make a comment last week wondering how many people thought that I was already pregnant with our fourth child. If looks could kill... I assured him that anyone with half a brain would realize that with a baby that small, I couldn't possibly be that far along.
Mean ol' hubby.
1 comment:
I havent called in forever...sorry! And I totally have another box to put in the mail to you!!!! AAAHH!!! At least you have 3 kids, so you know that excuse is a valid one.
Selah is adorable. I cannot wait to hold her. If all holds out well, I will come visit this winter.
We just got Cavin some ACUs like the ones Jonah had on. He's going to be an Army Man for halloween. Too cute. Of course, there was no way Caden would the Army Man will be trick or treating with CPT Jack Sparrow. Whatever!
And one last point...washable markers are the best invention EVER.
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