We've had some beautiful surises lately, though summer is clearly approaching- this was taken before 6 am. I'm glad to be moving before there's a house blocking the meager view I have.
I did not take this photo, but I'm glad someone did. Judah, watching the Consecration, fell asleep admiring Jesus.

We started a new season of a home renovation show that takes place in Italy. (American show, Fixer to Fabulous). Perhaps not Judah's favorite family movie night but easy bedtime routine!

I do occasionally get a picture of someone other than Judah. It's not just that he is super cute, it is also that the bigger kids try to hide from the camera most of the time.
This is Elijah burning his Math book he finished this week. They usually do not get to burn Math books, but that one was done after 5 kids used it and he was thrilled to celebrate. (Note the little spectator behind the smoke.)
Judah asked me how to spell Issac, trying to send his little buddy a message on Google Chat. He clearly needs more time around kids his age, and less around teens!
A few weeks ago, Judah asked me why there was no watermelon on the counter. He pointed to where we normally keep them and explained that the spot was empty. I was shocked he remembered watermelon, much less the watermelon spot on the counter, As it has been a good long winter since we've had watermelon.
I assured him that as soon as they seemed like they may be in season, I'd buy him one. I took a chance since they were down to $8 at Costco, and it was an excellent watermelon and he was so excited.