Friday, December 24, 2021

Pre-Christmas Eve Post

Catching up on this week right quick!

Judah tried some cooked pears. Sort of. He didn't like chunks so I blended them. That actually appeared to go worse. He did not like them. But they didn't seem to cause a reaction! So partial win. We'll keep trying.

Not a CO sunset, buy a nice one the other night..

My little slaves helping with Christmas cards. So if your card came all wonky, this is why. 

Sweet little guy sleeping with his legs tucked up underneath.

   I guess he sensed me...

Package came in the mail, it brings out all the children, especially when they find out there's chocolate! 
Just a grin.  

Daddy gave Judah a bath because mom wasn't home (went to a CAP senior member dinner. And had water! 😂) Dad is way more fun. Bubbles were the game.

It was a long bath! Dad said he had prune feet to go with the prune belly!

Gabe is hoke for Christmas! Coast Guard seems to be treating him okay, but we were sure happy to have him for a few minutes. And after an hour of two of diligent work, he was able to win Judah over and he stopped screaming at the sight of him. 

Brother snuggles. Judah style. (He's a bit rough and tough and not so snuggly.)

Went to Lowes this am for a tree. I won on waiting...but that meant not driving out to a farm and cutting our own. Will try again next year. But the tree was half price (should have been less than that IMO) and all the other Christmas stuff was 75 percent off. So the kids got real trees for their rooms for $5

If you have a 9 foot ceiling, maybe don't buy a tree from the 9-10 foot range! 

Elijah was entertaining a grumpy baby post nap. It worked!

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