Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tropical Tuesday in April

A rare treat, these days! I was able to handle a sleeping Judah off to Bryan so I could shower and get ready for a doctor's appointment. He lasted a whole 30 min! 

After some more milk, he was nice and happy!
Fun attraction to keep him occupied while we waited at the doctor's.  
It was a depressing trip. We drove to Ann Arbor to see a breastfeeding medicine doctor. She basically said there's really nothing more we can do, she does not think we will ever be able to transition to full time nursing. He just can't do it. So while I will keep praying that maybe we can get a miracle, I'll also keep pumping. I mean, I'm already only eating bison, squash, pears, and the occasional treat of blueberries. Why quit now...

It was a rare, gorgeous day here in Michigan.  We headed outside to enjoy the 70s and went to one of our favorite places, Wolcott Mill. Here's Judah with the mill (white blob in the background) on his first trip.
The mill with the frog pond. Ick. Bryan and the kids love that pond.
Elijah tries so hard. He always wants to help and he is so diligent about being a great bug brother. He's just not quite big enough for some of the things he likes to do. Like carrying Judah. It lasted as long as it took me to snap a picture.  Judah wasn't having it. In Elijah's defense, he's hard to hold with the boots and bar!
Selah trying to give Judah a kiss...and Judah trying to eat her. 
Teenager being forced to accompany the family outside for an hour. 
Impressive balancing by Selah.  It's hard to tell but that board is only maybe an inch wide and it slants. She made it all the way to the end of the path. 

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