Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sunday Funday

Sundays are always great days.  Jesus.  Family.  Often friends. And right now,  an opportunity to look at our house.  

Should that Sunday start off with a smiling baby.... now we're really winning!
Yes, it's a serious mess in here.  I've kinda given up hope of that changing, at least until Judah is nursing better and less needy. This is real life around here.  

But this picture is important because this is Judah and his buddy, Fan. Fan is his favorite friend.  He loves to just watch Fan dance. Sometimes he even finds that Fan is at other people's houses, too! Fan is such a good friend. 

After watching Fan dance with Mommy, he watched Fan dance with Daddy while Daddy did exercises to make Judah dance, too. (Hence Judah is blurry and Dad's arms are burning. Who needs push-ups?!)

Than Judah was still hungry. And Elijah was so excited to give him a bottle. 

After Mass, Judah took a nap on Dad. Funny position? That's because Dad got him to sleep with another workout. Then Dad was ready for a nap, too. 

We had lunch with some friends and stopped at the house on the way home. We're excited that the Wattas will be less than 15 minutes away from the new house. In CO, our closest friends were both about 7 minutes away. In VA, our entire homeschooling group was within a 15 minute radius. 
But in one ever seems to live close. Well, the Vultaggios were 5 minutes away but they moved to TX. And the Martins were 8 minutes until the moved to the country. Now the Martins are 23 minutes from the new house. Not terrible, but also not just pop in right quick. Especially with a baby. 

Back to the house.  This is the pond and mountain next door. What do I complain about the most in MI? Well, the lack of sun. So second most? The cold, muddy Spring. I can already see how this is going to go until that is built on. Luckily there is not carpet on the main floor to ruin. 

Judah was being a pill, so Bryan took the photos. We have different priorities when taking pictures, so bear with me. 

He missed the free indoor pool in the basement. There was a good foot of water down there with a huge flame heater running. Now that I think about it, perhaps that was there to melt the pool so they could pump it out. The kids said it looked like a dragon down there. 

This is the great room, from the kitchen. I'm glad it's open, but I miss those windows we had in CO already. 

Selah, planning out her bedroom.

The master bath with the loft behind. I'm glad I paid for the extra windows, the light will be nice in the clasroom...when the sun is actually shining. Master bath is kinda narrow but really I hate when there's tons of extra space in a bathroom since that's just a waste. 

Kitchen. The orange rectangle is the island. Not my CO island that I adored, and the overhang is only at the end so it only seats 2. But it's not terrible, big enough to make cookies and no sink or stove to get in the way. Note the nice big sliding glass door (or doorwall, as it is called in MI.) With transom. I got every window in the biggest size possible and have no regret. At least when the sun is visible.
The front door from the back of the house. Stairs on the left, half bath on the right.  Study,  front left. Dining room, front right. 

Actually, here's a link if you want to look at the virtual tour. We added the loft instead of the 2 story great room and a 2 foot extension, so some rooms are a little bigger. Otherwise, pretty similar. No brick pillars or crown molding.

Negatives of a corner lot... most our yard is in the front and side.  Looks spacious from this angle.  It's not.  

After a full day,  peacefully sleeping.  It never gets old. 

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