I always take his boots off in the morning so we can do clean socks and make sure they're in the right spot. He certainly doesn't complain!
I hate these boots and bar. I'm quite certain I hate them more than Judah.
They're inconvenient. His feet either slip out of position or get marks from the straps, depending how tight they are. His right (casted) foot still swells every day. It's been a journey finding socks that work, after countless nights of either his foot coming out completely or coming partway out- causing obvious discomfort.
I can't get the blister on the right foot to stay away, so it's a bandaid all the time. And his feet sweat, so I'm changing socks all the time. Nevermind trying to find ways for him to comfortably sleep, nurse, be held.
It doesn't work well in his car seat and he generally pulls one partly out, resulting in them being taken off. (I only bought the infant car seat BECAUSE of casting and boots and bar- so that's twice as irritating. I figured it would be harder to carry him for appts and such. And we knew he'd have a lot.)
Putting him into a carrier IS a pain. And then there's trying to make sure he doesn't pee on them at a diaper change. Oh and of course they have to come off for all doctors appointments and it's just a cumbersome chore.
It's all good. I just needed to vent. Fingers crossed only 3 more years and they'll get easier as we go!