Friday, February 5, 2021

One Month Celebration!

Or... not.  I mean,  he is one month today! But I don't think he liked how we celebrated. 

That whole excitement a few weeks back with no casts, just stretching, was a bit too optimistic.  

The great news is only one foot needs a cast, not both. Additionally, the doc is still optimistic that he may only need a couple of casts and somehow not need boots and bar (The brace used for 5 years.)

I'm reluctant to get too excited about the possibility. As great as it would be, we care more that his feet are corrected correctly and fully. 

Don't let the peaceful pics fool you, I can't take pics when he's angry and I'm trying to calm him! 

He is doing okay. Pretty miserable. Screams everytime he tries to move his leg. But if he isn't trying to move, he's good. Assuming he is nursing. Any other time, not so good. It'll be a long night or maybe week. 

Pray for us, Bryan is working nights. And he hasn't been sleeping well to begin with. Even more importantly, pray his feet are properly corrected, whatever that entails. 

Oh, and we did celebrate a little with a walk before the storm! Expecting another 5 possible inches tomorrow night.  But today was 55! It was so nice. He slept the whole time. 

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