Saturday, April 11, 2020

"Easter Eve" (Holy Saturday) Traditions

Tomb cookies have been a must on Easter Eve for many years. I feared they would be rough to make with the limited kitchen resources, but we managed.  (Yes, that's a wine glass of sugar. Bowls are a hot commodity around here. It was all that was clean.)

Micah beating the pecans, as the soldiers beat Jesus.

Elijah needed to be a soldier as well.  We pretty much had pecan flour when they were finished. 

I didn't have much hope for making meringue without a stand mixer, but this $10 hand mixer from Walmart was impressive.  It claims to have 6 speeds, though they seem to start at high and go to tornado. I wouldn't mix anything with a lot of flour. 

We had many guards show up to guard the tomb tonight. 

A while later, it appears the general came by and beefed up the protection with some swords.  

Found this on the van today.  No one claimed responsibility, so it must be Jonah since he wasn't with us.  I'd say ingenious, but there's hardly enough traffic on the roads to worry about tailgating these days. 

A little fresh air and exercise. Frisbee golf while on half time from the soccer game. No rest for the weary around here.

These two weren't as excited as the others about the tomb cookies this year.  And there wasn't room for them to help anyway.  So they used all the bananagrams tiles to make one puzzle.  They were pretty proud of it, especially ventilation. (Apparently, Selah was not impressed. Or she didn't want to be seen with them and their "shelter-in-place" hair.)

Chapter 4 of House of Danger was also on the schedule. The least scary so far, according to Elijah and Micah.  Only one more chapter to go!

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