Thursday, March 12, 2020

Trucks, Birds, and Other Birds

The road behind our house was supposed to be finished in November. But we had such an intense winter thay started so early they couldn't get it done. So last we heard was May. Well,  the weather this week has been amazing and it appears the construction crews decided to take advantage.  They've been putting the final coat on the road this week. And the kids are certainly enjoying the front row seat to the action!

Elijah made me come to the window with him today and told me, "It's a real life dump truck,  Mom. I never thought I'd see one in real life!" It's the simple things. 

It's pretty much impossible to see, but there's a bald eagle up there in the bright blue sky. There were actually two out gliding around together today. Such an incredible sight!

This afternoon we took advantage of 62 and sunny and hit the park with friends again. We took a hike and saw some interesting tracks in the mud.  I didn't take a picture but here's one of the kids playing on the dock. They enjoyed throwing rocks through the slush on the water.

We also had a couple of Blackhawks fly over, clearly they agreed with the eagles that it was a great day to enjoy the skies with their wingman. 

I miss the A-10s that were always out in Michigan,  but I do love how many helos we get to see here!

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