Saturday, March 14, 2020

Snowy Fridays are the Best

I'm so blessed to start my mornings with this face in my space.  

I asked the kids to clean out their desk drawers today. They did. They piled everything on the desk and vacuumed out the drawers. They were shocked when I called them back to neatly put things back into the drawers. I guess they thought I cleaned the desk off so I could have clean, empty drawers and a disaster on the desk. Selah wanted a picture with her whole life that was shoved in there. 

Also, I patter cleaned off the bookcases. That random pile up there had a book on top. A phonics book. That's been missing for months. Truly confused as to how it got up there...

This is my everyday. I love them and wouldn't trade it for anything, even though praying the Rosary leaves me feeling like I can't breathe. Then I remind myself how incredibly blessed we are and I feel less squished. 

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