Monday, January 5, 2009

Bryan's closing in on 30!

We celebrated Bryan's 29th birthday Saturday. Hard to believe this is the last of the 20s. We both have a morbid view of it and don't feel OLD, per se, just sad to be one day closer to death. We kind of surprised Bryan with Eric and Tammy coming over (he knew something was up) and has lasagna for dinner with creme brulee and vanilla bean cheesecake for dessert. (We are not cake people.)
Noah, the Cantor, leading the song. That is the "all join in" sign.

Bryan lighting his own candles.
Yes, with the culinary torch.
Heaven was smiling on us though and there were no incidents.

Oops. Missed one.
(No there weren't 29 candles, just as many as I could fit. And there was so much wax on the cake, it was inedible. Guess that's what happens when you use a blow torch to light candles!)

Noah enjoying his cheesecake.
Note that there is a fork on his plate...

May I have a chocolate candy cane now?

The boys gave Daddy a build your own light saber kit.
(Not pictured, Eric and Tammy gave Bryan a cord to connect the computer to the TV. Now we can ALL watch Bryan play his games. Gee, thanks. It was better than the alternative- a Wii.)

Could it be?

Bowling shoes for me!!

Noah, trying some sparkling cider.
He didn't much care for it.
(The boys do not like carbonation- yay for us!)
No, I REALLY don't want anymore, Mr. Eric.

Trying out his new shoes.

Selah getting spoiled.
She was SUPPOSED to be napping. (She wasn't having any of that!)
Playing Cranium- with Selah.

You can't tell, but she has the dice in her hand and is listening to instructions from Daddy.

And the throw!

YAY! Purple again!
She kept rolling purple for Mr. Eric and Ms. Tammy.
(Purple is the best you can roll. Apparently she wasn't on our team!)
She's also wearing her new shirt. It says "Mommy and I LOVE to shop"
Totally unrelated,
Selah is 4 months old!

1 comment:

Love of lilacs said...

Like chunker! I love it!
Happy Birthday Bryan!