I just bet you wish you were here, ringing in the New Year with us!
Bryan had to work, so the boys started off the day by playing in the new snow right after breakfast. They only lasted about 10 minutes, then came in wanting cocoa because it was so cold (it was about 15 degrees). I think that the novelty of the snow no longer outweighs the cold.
Then we played a round of Jonah's new game, Cranium Cadoo (Cranium for kids). Bryan LOVES to play Cranium so I was excited to find the kid's version. (I like Cranium, but still rank Catch Phrase as my favorite.)
OOPS! You were supposed to guess!
(He was very proud of his "snowflakes.")
Of course, no holiday is complete without trouble from Noah.
He decided to "make his hands feel better" by rubbing large amounts of Aquaphor all over them. (That jar is $11, so I was not thrilled.) Then, when I caught him, he said "my hands feel MUCH better now, can you please wipe me up." On a positive note, he only got it on himself and his clothes!
Bryan took the boys sledding when he got home and then we had dinner (homemade pierogies courtesy Mrs. Staat- Yum!). Once dinner was over, it was time to celebrate!
Jonah and Noah "celebrating!"
(They are in a sleep on the floor phase. I am thinking that mattresses for kids are highly over-rated and over-priced!)
And Selah was supposed to be "celebrating" like the boys, but when I snuck in to take a picture, she just looked at me. (Note the hat is once again ABOVE her head instead of on it.) So, I fed her, and we all went to bed. Happy New Year, Wilhelm style!
He decided to "make his hands feel better" by rubbing large amounts of Aquaphor all over them. (That jar is $11, so I was not thrilled.) Then, when I caught him, he said "my hands feel MUCH better now, can you please wipe me up." On a positive note, he only got it on himself and his clothes!
Bryan took the boys sledding when he got home and then we had dinner (homemade pierogies courtesy Mrs. Staat- Yum!). Once dinner was over, it was time to celebrate!
(They are in a sleep on the floor phase. I am thinking that mattresses for kids are highly over-rated and over-priced!)
Selah had a New Year's gift for me- she slept until 5:30! (from 10:30) Which would have been even more awesome if someone had not been shooting off fireworks at what we assume was midnight. But hey, you can't win them all!
Hope you all had at least as much fun as we did!
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