I am trying to get pictures up, but it is a slow process. Bryan is in GA, and I have less time than before- which I would not have thought possible! But a little update. Selah is doing well. She saw the doctor for her one month check up on the 2nd. Got a shot- which she hated. She was up to 9 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. (Hard to believe that jonah was that size when he was born!) They were happy with her growth, and said that they were not worried that she still had jaundice. Her umbilical cord that was still attached was a bit of a different story. The doctor used Silver nitrate to basically cauterize it (at least that is what she told me- I did not research it-no time!) and it should fall off soon.
So now she is 6 weeks old- and the thing is STILL there. It made progress right after the appointment, but did not fall off. So I called and spoke to the nurse- just to make sure we are still okay. She wanted her seen. So we were back today and the doctor used the Silver Nitrate again. I am hoping to give her a bath by the weekend! (A real one I mean. I do bathe her, I promise). Can you believe it is still on there? Bizarre. And the jaundice is still lingering. Doc said it is just because I am nursing her. Hopefully she is right. This is why I only wanted boys. Look how much work she is!
And wait until you see her dress for the Christmas pictures. We are planning everyone else's outfits around her dress. And she is only 6 weeks old...
Next up: Ear piercing. Trying to find out when it is safe, I forgot to ask the doctor about it. Go figure!
What's cuter than brown and pink?
Don't ask. That is what the robe, blanket, towel, etc are all about!
Now it is 10:30 and I missing out on valuable sleep. I will try to post more pictures ASAP. I have multiple posts that I have started to upload pictures for. Hope you can see them soon!
ear piercing...they told me to wait until after her 3 month round of shots. That's when they get a lot of them I think. Then it's basically safe. They told me it's safer to have the pediatrician do it. But that freaks me out a little bit. For some weird reason I trust Claire's more. :).
Nate's u-chord took forever to fall off. FOREVER. I can't remember if it was 6 weeks, but I know it was long. It will come off eventually. Sadie thought Nate's litle man (you know what I am talking about) would fall off too, as she asked me the other day while giving nate a bath. Mom, when will Nate's "thing" fall off? I told her that it won't, it's there to stay. Then she said with the biggest eyes "Daddy has one of those?" It was hilarious.
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