it snowed! A little bit. Of course I was feeding Selah so I told the boys they had to wait to go out in it. And now it is done and the sun is melting it all away. I don't see anymore on the radar, so they want to put their snowsuits on and go play with out the snow (sounds dirty and cold!). Come March we will be so sick of snow and cold, it's kind of funny! There was freezing rain last night, the boys thought that was pretty cool.

My feet are cold! We could go out barefoot year-round in GA!
(Pitch black at 6:30. Guess that means it will be pitch black at 5:30 next week. Eating dinner in the dark is so depressing!)
AHHH! It's going to get us Noah!
What? Where? I don't' see anything!

Snow on my neighbor's roof (I wasn't going outside in the cold to take a picture!)
There was more, but it was melting by the time I could take a picture.

Snow on the grill (and soccer goals- those should probably go in the garage.)

Snow on the table. I need to put the umbrella and ashtrays away- leftovers from the birthday party-4weeks ago!

They were really excited that it snowed on
their chairs- I don't know why. Maybe so they could sit in it.
Yeah snow! They called for it here, but we havent gotten any yet. Just invest in good hats and gloves now. By the time you really need them, the stores will be all sold out.
I FINALLY sent that box yesterday of clothes for Selah. Hope she can use them!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ...... I just read the quote that Jonah said. Sounds like something Caden would say. The other day he looked at an overweight lady and said 'obesity kills' like some sort of newspaper headline or something. We've talked about eating healthy...but I think he picked that one up from the news. Thankfully the lady didnt hear him.
We havent gotten into the pro-life conversations yet. I'll give him time, he's only 4.
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