Do you ever find it amazing how God works? One minute you are sitting there stubbornly trying to make a budget and not get depressed in the meantime. DESPERATELY wishing that you could take a nap, but that would mean ordering pizza for dinner (Only the 12th time this month, no biggie!). And feeling overwhelmed by life in general-messy house, kids who don't listen, more errands than time or money allows...AND THEN....
You get an email from your husband with a poem he wrote (about how self-less the life of a stay at home mom can be); while you are reading that... your 6 1/2 year old (who is about to be sold to the first person who will take him) randomly decides to come give you a kiss and the baby in-utero (who is growing too big to give you room to breathe) shifts just a bit and allows a smidgen more air into your lungs, taking away the urge to hyperventilate.
All of a sudden, you are no longer a hamster in a wheel furiously running without getting anywhere. You are no longer tired, and you realize that it is a new month, so the pizza count starts over and you are at ZERO! The baby's kicks are joyful again (no more prayers for an epidural to get through the last 2 months) and the thought of your 2 year asleep upstairs is no longer a threat that he better not wake up for at least another hour for fear if death. It makes you want to stop what you are doing, read your kids a story, and maybe even break out the play dough (shudder- maybe we'll just read 2 stories)! God is Good!
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