Sunday, July 21, 2024

Third Sunday, part 2

Yesterday, Micah and Selah went white water rafting with a group of the teens from the military installation here. That's Selah with her hand in the air. I don't have any pictures of Micah, yet. He was in a different boat. 

We are very over eating out, particularly in Italy. Italian Italian food is not the same as American Italian. Also, they really do pretty much only have pasta and pizza (and seafood) with very weird things. 

So tonight, we drove to the Army Post and got pizza from the bowling alley! AMERICAN pizza! 
It was not GOOD American pizza, but it was edible. 

The best part may have been the parking spot sizes. These are Costco-sized parking spaces! Obviously, unusual- you can see how Bryan lined up tight on the left 😂

Trash here is it's own animal. And not one I want to bring home. There's never just a trash cann there's always 4 and sometimes 5 if they have one for food. 
Sometimes they look like this but always 4.
Wait until you see how they look at the mall.

E- I am so happy right now, do you know why? 
E-I'm drinking out of a real plastic straw!!! 
This may be why the Italians hate us here. Our big cars and plastic straws. However, if you've never had to use a paper straw on a Capri-Sun, you're in for a real treat. Success rate is approximately 2/10.

Sweet Jude has a bed on the floor. He was waking up pretty much every night and usually ended up in our bed. But now, he doesn't even cry. He just stands up and climbs in. Impressive in his boots and bar in the middle of the night! 

(But you can see how much space he leaves me there on the edge. I suppose I should be glad Bryan gets the boots because those hurt when he moves!) Please pray we can transition back to his own bed without much trouble once he has his own room again! 

Old photo of Jonah age 18 months, perhaps? He was so blonde and curly!

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