Thursday, December 21, 2023

Orthopedic Check Up

Mom, you're gonna watch the TV, and I'm gonna play with those. (He also said this show is cat paw patrol. I have no idea what the show actually is, but I'm pretty sure that isn't it.)

Pretty sunrise this morning, making that early morning appointment less rotten. Winter sunrises are the best, if only there was snow.

Waiting for the doc to come check on those sweet feet. 

Still waiting. He's the ship captain, we are going on an adventure. Watch out for the hot lava!

There nothing like help from a 2-year-old when making Buckeyes. All balls got one stick,  but some got four. 

Once he dumped a hundred toothpicks on the floor and played in the powdered sugar, he went off to play. He made another boat. I was confused with all of the boats, but then realized he watched a Mighty Machines movie about boats when we were driving to and from the doctor. Proof that its wise to be mindful of whats going into their heads, even once! 

His orthopedic surgeon gave him a good report. We have the option to keep the boots on until he's five or stop at three (in just a few weeks!) And see how he does. 

I know that likely seems like a no brainer- ditch the boots! However, once you stop wearing them, convincing them to wear them again can be a nightmare. The research I've done has given a 40 percent relapse rate if stopped at three years, less than 10 if stopped at five. His doctor claims it's around 10 at three. 

So, we appreciate your prayers as we further research and discern this decision! While he will sometimes try to tell me he doesn't need his boots at night, he does not fight me putting them or complain about them at all. I've heard countless stories from other parents about the fights and I'm just not sure I want to risk it. 

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