Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Black Belts and COVID tests.

Micah tested for black belt last night. He did great.  We're pretty sure he passed,  but that isn't official until next week.  I forgot to take pictures, so I tried to catch a shot from the video. Not the greatest but you get the idea. 

This videocapture came out much better. Noah breaking a board, he  also tested for one of his mid-term tests. It's a long journey from first to second degree black belt. 

Coldstone to celebrate, it was.  I was putting Judah to bed so it was food coloring for all. This is Micah's "gotta have it" sized peep ice cream with gummy bears. Micah doesn't like his picture taken.  He ducked under the table. 

And this is Elijah's "gotta have it' peep with peeps!
Which was so large it was also breakfast today. For both of them. 
Long story but Judah and I hung out in the car for hours today waiting for a covid test. Tomorrow is his stent removal, it was for that.  

We waved to trucks,  played with the windows, ate every snack mama had in her purse, emptied every cubby, climbed all around. Ultimately survived and still managed to run to Costco and get to Mass, so all was good. Please pray Tomorrow goes well!

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