Sunday, August 8, 2021

It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Birds and Planes!

Twenty. That's how many birds were in our it still a yard if it's dirt?!...this morning- Here come more weeds. 
Also, not pictured, there was a heron in our wetlands/pond this morning,  too! Their wingspan is incredible. It was a bird morning. We saw the Thunderbirds again, too. All six in formation, right past the back door and over the house. So awesome.

Don't mind the grumpy look, but we put real clothes on for Mass today! Doesn't he look adorable? 

He normally wears one piece outfits with snaps because of his boots and bar. But I got him a few other items at a yard sale recently since he's spending more time out of the brace. I'm a fan of dressing little boys like little men, so I hate the one piece outfits. 

And this is why the grumpy face. He wanted to go to bed and Mom wanted a picture. Good thing, too, because he never did put his pants back on! 

We've still got that orange sun. Turns out it's from the wildfires in Canada. But it looked HUGE in real life. Interesting that it looks small in pictures because Bryan says the huge sun or moon is just a mind's eye trick. I guess this pic backs that up. 

This poor kid. Whe. He gets mad, he can not calm down. We ran out to grab a push car I bought from someone online. It was bedtime but it was the only time the lady could do it. I thought he would fall asleep. Instead,  he screamed for the whole 27 minute trip. Breaks my heart. 
He's happily and peacefully sleeping now. Here's hoping for a good night!

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