Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday, Monday...

Well, it's been 4 full days of having our stuff...and they've been jam-packed with fun. Which means the house is still jam-packed with boxes everywhere! Every room basically just has a path. And we can't find the hardware to put together furniture just to add to the mess and frustration.'s best not to ask.

This kid. I left him over by that blue boppy pillow in the back. He was sitting. He got himself onto his belly and somehow across the room. No one knows how exactly, but here's the proof. They say the boots and bar won't slow them down.. and I suppose I cannot disagree! We'd better get this mess cleaned up and start babyproofing!

Jonah went to the garage to find something. He came back and got a gun and returned to the garage. I was a bit worried. (It's an airsoft/bb gun, but still.) It was a spider. He literally shot a spider. Guess it was a doozy. 

On top of the world! He looks so much like Jonah as a baby in this picture. At least, in my mind. I need to pull out some baby pics to compare.

This child has so many expressions. I'm always so amused.

I leave you with Obi. The nocturnal pet. Perfect for those with insomnia! Should you not already suffer, you will after you bring him home!

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