Saturday, May 11, 2019

Old Memories and New Memories on a Saturday in May.

Bryan and I ran some kidless errands and finally stopped at Jamba Juice. When we were in Monterey, we used to walk down the hill to Jamba Juice and grab smoothies. He'd usually drink his and most of mine because I really don't care for smoothies. But it's always been a happy memory, we've just never lived by one since then! (Actually a couple of years ago they put one inside of a Meijer in Michigan.  Not my normal Meijer, but I did bring him back a smoothie once. Unfortunately,  they had a very limited menu and it was pretty much juice by the time I got home. This was a better experience.)

We then spent the afternoon at the USAFA baseball game. Elijah has been so sad that we canca go watch the Indians play anymore so Bryan came up with this substitute. Not the same, but besides the weather, he really enjoyed it. And he knows his baseball! Provided all kinds of commentary throughout the game.)

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