Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Last week, the kids were playing outside with Bryan in the front yard. (I wasn't there, so this probably isn't the most accurate telling if the story.) Micah was irritated about a mosquito on his arm. Bryan was working on a project, so he didn't pay much attention and told him to smash it. A few minutes later, he was getting upset about the mosquito still being there. He insisted he had smashed it, so Bryan said to brush it off, thinking it had just gotten smashed into his arm. He tried, it didn't work, so Bryan went over to help him, brushed at it, and it didn't move. Upon closer inspection, he found it to be a tick. He removed it, all was good.

The following evening, Micah ran a fever and vomited a few times. He had a fever over the weekend but had been fine a couple days so it was very strange. Coupled with the tick bite, it was a little concerning. We planned to take him in, but the next day he was totally fine.

Besides being a bit traumatized. As evidenced by his recent prayers...

Micah during prayer for the last few months:  ....And thank you for everything in the world...except mosquitos. (He doesn't want to forget anything important when saying his thankfuls.)

Micah during prayer last night: ....And thank you for everything in the world...except mosquitos. AND TICKS!

We lost it. If you know Micah, he's always so serious. He doesn't say things to be funny. Which makes it that much funnier.

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