Saturday, December 31, 2011

Go ahead, Selah- give it your best shot!

Some of you may have heard, but if you didn't, we had a bit of an incident with Selah getting a bit, umm...stuck, in the fridge last week. Thankfully, her brothers were in the basement and heard her banging. We've tried the child locks meant for keeping kids out of fridges and freezers. They state "not a subsitute for proper adult supervision." As well they should. She figured those out long ago. So we've now installed real locks on the fridges and freezers. Here's hoping they are enough to keep her out. They say that childproof medicine bottles work on about 90% of the kids, I believe. Well, since she's in that 10% who, at the ripe old age of 20 months, could open them and eat the vitamins inside, it should come at no surprise that she can outmanuever fridge locks. But since she doesn't come with bolt cutters, I do believe we may be good on this one for a while. Let's hope. Now the question is, what will be her new adventure? Time will tell...

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