Monday, April 4, 2011

The things you find...

I've had this package of meat in the freezer for what seems like forever. This morning I decided to check the date on it. Can you read it? September 26, 2008. Like 3 weeks after Selah was born? So it's been through 2 moves, first of all. And countless times it has been the only meat in the freezer and I still haven't cooked it even when desperate. There's the second of all. Don't worry- although it still LOOKS fine, it's off to be smashed by the smasher in the garbage truck and then be dropped off at the dump (as Noah would say.)
Of course, I could have checked to see if Bryan had checked the blog today and made it for dinner....would have been good on Friday, wish I had thought of that! (Not that it would have worked seeing as how it's Lent.)

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