Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Pictures 2009

After first, a blank CD, and then, a CD of someone else's family... we now have a CD with our pictures on it. So here you go. Finally.

Our Christmas's amazing how he just fits in from the start.
Micah, 3 days old.
I can't believe I am putting this on here.
This is what happens when you gain 60 pounds and it's your fourth kid.
(Okay, I really don't look that bad if I don't smile so big. Too bad I had no idea!)
But I had to show how cute Selah and Micah are.
Not only is she holding onto him, but he's holding onto her hand.
(I need to photoshop it so I can have just that part!)
The Wilhelms Christmas 2009

"The Boys"
(Yes, the future can be a bit scary.)

Selah didn't like not being the center of attention.
Noah can't seem to leave the poor, helpless kid alone.
Jonah just LOVES being the oldest and getting to hold the baby.
And Micah is blissfully unaware of what the future holds...

As good as it gets with 4 this year.

We bought her an outfit.

We made plans for pictures 3 different times.
And each and every time, she got herself a head wound.

So...they ended up being 15 month pictures instead of 12, but hey, the boys never even had that!

Hard to believe she can walk and talk already.

This experience was only mildly better than Santa.

(But oh so cute!)

We'll end on a high note...(even though this was the first picture of the day.)

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