Friday, November 6, 2009

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra

After much procrastinating...
We have finally joined a homeschooling group. Last year, the issue was that we didn't have a car, so it was pretty pointless. This year, Bryan carpools with Eric most days, so a car is usually available. But we aren't planning to stay in the area. (If we stay in MI we plan to move Northwest of the city so we can have more than a 2-foot backyard.) So we didn't really want to get involved and make friends and then leave. But finally Bryan made an executive decision and joined a group for us. And what a blessing it has been!
We have actually joined 2 groups. One is a Catholic homeschooling group that does Bible study twice a month. It's been great, the kids love it, I love it, and I am so grateful to find other moms who homeschool to socialize with, and it's even more comfortable with us all having the same religious beliefs. On Tuesday we had an All Saints Day party and the kids got to dress up and tell about the saint they chose to dress up as. I have a few pictures I will try to post later.
The other group is open to all Christians in the county (or outlying areas) and is a very large group that plans a lot of activities. So last week we went on a field trip to the Port Huron Museum and did Pioneer Days- again, pictures will (hopefully) soon follow. And this week, Bryan was able to stay home with Noah and Selah while Jonah and I went to the Orchestra. We had a great time, it was a concert for students so it was short (45 minutes) and the music was geared more toward kids. I thought Jonah looked bored, but he said he really enjoyed it, and the music was the best part (even better than getting out of schoolwork for the day or seeing his friends! I am quite shocked, but hey- culture is good for him!) The last piece was a John Williams piece from Indiana Jones- Raiders March (the one you probably think of when you think of Indiana Jones.) Jonah was disappointed that it wasn't
a Star Wars piece, but really enjoyed anyway, even though he's never seen Indiana Jones. All in all a fun time and it was nice to do something out of the norm. (The picture is of Jonah with his friend from Bible study. Notice his busted lip. Nice, eh?)

1 comment:

Love of lilacs said...

Sarah! Thats awesome!!! I'm so happy for you!!!