Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A bit behind again...

I have a few pictures and lots to say (not that I am saying it anymore!) but not enough time, as I am TRYING (very unsuccessfully) to get ready to move in just over a week. So, I hope that once we have settled, things will be better than normal since I will have a mere fraction of the space to clean and keep up with! And I have to say, I am SO anxious to move, not so much because I am excited, but more just because I want to be DONE! Most things are going in storage, and although we have done this 3 times before (put stuff in storage, not move. This is will be our 10th house, not including the times we have lived with family) it is still hard to decide what needs to go with us and what can go in storage. Having 5 people doesn't help...but in just a few weeks, I will have more time to spend with my kids!!!!!

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