Stops 4 and 5 were Washington, D.C. and Ohio (respectively.)
I apologize for the long post, by the time I realized how long it was, I didn't want to re-upload my pictures to a different post. Unfortunately, if there is a way to move pictures easily between posts, I haven't found it.
We went to DC on Sunday and Monday. Sunday, Jamie, Caden, Cavin and Jacie joined us and we all went to the "new" Air and Space Museum. It is at the airport, and we have never been there before, so this was VERY exciting to the boys.
(Notice that Caden is just watching and Cavin is right there about to follow Noah's lead.)
Here Jonah was reading the sign to them and they were all ohhing and ahhing over the specs.
Cavin, after getting caught climbing up the exhibit.
A GIANT engine, which you could push a button and make parts move- very cool!
Bryan showing Jonah and Noah what kind of gear they will get when they become fighter pilots.
A REAL Space Shuttle- it totally looked like a cartoon, and it was HUGE!
Caden checking out the landing gear.
The boys really enjoyed watching the space shuttle launch on TV while standing next to one. In fact, they liked it so much we had to promise to look up videos on the Internet once we got home just to get them to move on.
Apparently the bars are they to make it more fun to get inside, not to keep kids out!
Jonah, may I please sit with you?
(Caden's flying the space shuttle next to them, oblivious to the whole thing.)
Seriously, Noah. GET DOWN! Or I am just going to have to smash you.
WHAT? Why am I in trouble? He climbed on MY chair!
(Caden, STILL flying... you can't interrupt the launch!)
Caden, can we trade and be brothers? You're nice!
(Jonah lost his Wii-time for being mean to his brother.)
REAL R2-D2 mailbox. Jonah and Noah want one on their corner.
The observation tower- Notice the sign on the bottom reads "KEEP OFF" and the one on the rail reads "DO NOT LEAN." THANKFULLY, nobody went through the window.
Jacie, enjoying some time out and about!
A quick try for a family picture, didn't really come out so well, but hey, proof we were all there!
They all thought this was cool, you could see the runway at the airport and watch the planes take off and land as well as hear live feed from the control tower.
(I was not in danger of falling out the window, as I wouldn't go near it. The windows slant out as they go up and it is VERY creepy. This experience made me glad that I switched going to school to be an air traffic controller to a Korean linguistic when I was in the Air Force! I don't think I could work in a building shaped like that!)
Noah is "not going in there, I'm just looking!"
Jonah taking his flying very seriously.
Hey, if he wants to be a fighter pilot, he had better start learning the basics now!
HUH? I coulda sworn I was going to Australia, but now I am in CHINA! Oh well, wonder if there is a PF Chang's here?
Noah the Curator
Monday we hit DC by ourselves. The weather was awful, so we just did a few of the Smithsonian museums. The Air and Space (the "old" one), the Natural History and the American History (as it had been closed for renovations last time we were up- we only saw a couple of war things there before they were closing though, Maybe next time!)
Bryan and the boys in front of the Washington Monument- don't they look thrilled?
Hey, if he wants to be a fighter pilot, he had better start learning the basics now!
Monday we hit DC by ourselves. The weather was awful, so we just did a few of the Smithsonian museums. The Air and Space (the "old" one), the Natural History and the American History (as it had been closed for renovations last time we were up- we only saw a couple of war things there before they were closing though, Maybe next time!)
(Selah was trying to take a nap, which is why she is all crooked.)
(People kept giving me dirty looks, but if I move her, she wakes up- I've TRIED!)
Noah, climbing on stuff again.

Bryan, sticking his tongue out at the boys because they couldn't get up the wall.

Right to where we had parked our van.
Doesn't your 3-year-old take off his shoes and play with his zipper in the middle of a museum?
(There weren't any planes here, so Noah was not very interested.)
Noah put his shoes back on, but decided he needed to take a nap in the middle of the walkway- his legs were tired!
(Could you imagine how heavy that would be around your neck??)
This is also one of our solutions to helping with our national debt. Sell the Hope Diamond! Not only do you get the profit of the diamond, but you don't have to pay the 3 security guards that are always on guard of it! Talk about some savings! (Couple that with NOT giving us this extra $20 per paycheck and we might be able to stop accumulating debt so quickly!)
(I'm thinking Bryan should get hot sauce every time one of the boys sticks their tongues out, seeing as how he is responsible for it!)
(I, on the underhand, don't care for bridges and so I had to beg him to KEEP WALKING!)
And so we kept walking...
Right to where we had parked our van.
Notice anything strange about that meter?
Like maybe there isn't a red minivan parked at it?
It got towed.
Apparently you can't park on Constitution Ave past 4 PM, even though the meter accepted money until 5!
It was a CURTESY tow!
No charge for the tow!
Wasn't that nice?
We did get a $100 parking ticket,
Have to pay $15 to take a cab to the impound lot,
And have to get dinner out becuase of all that, but they didn't charge us for the TOW!
Should have taken the Metro after all....
After we left Jamie's house, we headed home, with a short layover in OH.
We stopped at my friend (from High School) Heather's house. (Thanks Facebook!) We got to meet her husband, Matt and their 2 great dogs Frank and Sophie. (I really liked their dogs, and I am not a dog person, as we all know!)
I don't have any pictures from Heather's, but we had a great visit and had fun catching up. We are hoping to run a 10K race together in May here in Detroit. (By WE I mean Heather, Matt and I. We all know Bryan doesn't run for fun!)
And it turns out that Heather lives right by my aunt and grandmother, so we surprised them with a quick brunch as we left for home. It was nice to see them, and we wish we could have stopped and seen everyone in OH, but there just wasn't enough time. Feel free to come visit us though!
Boy what a trip! I loved all the pictures especially the one of Selah driving. My grandfather use to let me sit on his lap and steer in the parking lot and he would do the gas and break when I was 4! LOL He would say not to tell "Nana" but I would go running in and turn him in LOL. She would get so mad at him it was funny. It looks like you guys had a great time, I am so glad you deserved it!
We had so much fun with you guys! Thank you so much for coming. And thanks to Jonah, my boys now have a new-found love for airplanes and space shuttles. Just what we need...more toys!
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