Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

We went to Mass on Christmas Eve, and it was great- less crowded than Sundays! Selah wore her dress again, and this time we remembered her shoes!

Just waiting to go to bed so Santa can come to my house!

Noah playing with his garbage truck he bought with the money Grandpa Mike and Grandma Debbie sent.
He is garbage man, NICK.
(No clue)

And one last check to see where Santa is before bed!
(the military has a website called NORAD tracks Santa, and we keep an eye on it every year. The kids love it.)

The boys got to open one gift Christmas Eve, and I videoed, but did not take pictures. OOPS!
Jonah opened his gift from Tyler- a new tanker truck. He had a lot of fun playing with that.
And Noah opened his gift from Aunt Pat and GG. He got (drum roll, please...) a REMOTE CONTROL ZAMBONI!!!! It is specially made for little kids, so it is easy for him to drive, and he LOVES IT! (Like there was any doubt on that one.) He says THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

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