A word of warning... Jonah, he's 6 remember, was the photographer. Surprisingly some of these aren't too bad! I did not edit them, though, so just remember that he is a work in progress, and being only 4 1/2 feet tall, tops of heads are irrelevant as he cannot see them anyway!

Shouldn't you grab the fire extinguisher? This looks a little dangerous!

Look at Noah...he is just in agony trying to fight the urge to blow out the candles!

And now he is
grabbing hot candles in an effort to get to the cake!

This is my birthday cake made by my 3 boys! It is a Christmas in June kind of theme. (Okay, so we haven't found the non- seasonal baking pans yet. Christmas in June sounds like it was intentional!) It is a homemade ice cream cake. Isn't it beautiful? No, the snowman does not have the chickenpox, that where all the candles were- and no, I will not tell you how many there were- Okay, fine. There were 21- I can finally drink!

This is Bryan's partner, Eric, and his wife Tammy. They were kind enough to give me not only a gift card to a
restaurant, but also coupons for babysitting! (Did I mention that they don't have any kids, so they actually think that ours are cute and sweet?)
Oh, they game me that BEFORE I hit their car and left red paint all over it. You know, the one that was parked in my driveway. NOPE, not kidding. How many times have I said that pregnant women should get their licenses revoked? Eric said he will park in the road next time, just to be safe!
They are the nicest people you will ever meet, and they both thought it was hilarious! I laughed, too, but that was because I didn't want to cry! Bryan just seemed shocked. What a birthday! Good thing I am only 21, I have many years left to perfect my driving before anyone would expect me to know how to drive like someone who has had their license for more than 10 years!

Noah doesn't mind that
Selah kicks him repeatedly when he sits on my lap. Poor
Selah, her brothers pick on her already!

Apparently the cake was that good! You should have seen his shirt, it now has chocolate polka dots on it.

Classic example of monkey see, monkey do. At least his shirt wasn't white!

Like I said, tops of heads are irrelevant! I am so excited to make some mini cheesecakes this week! (Funny story, I had told Bryan the night before that I really wanted those when he took the boys to buy me a gift. Good thing that he didn't buy them.) Thank you so very much Aunt Pat!

These are the towels that Noah bought me. (Not sure how he picked those out when he was at Old Navy with me, but I guess him and his dad have some of that
telepathic stuff going on!)

Jonah, the photographer, picked this out all by himself! He wanted to help me save some energy! (It is an electric can opener! I use one of those "old fashioned" hand crank ones. Apparently I need to get with the times!)
And last but not least, Bryan bought me new knives! He finally tired of hearing me complain about how I cannot even cut a ham sandwich with mine! He had to order them though, so there is no picture. I didn't want you all to think that he was slacking!