My (Sarah) parents came up for the weekend with our niece and two nephews (on my side.)
My mom had come up to watch the boys when Selah was born, but hadn't seen her since, and my dad had yet to meet her, so it was a nice time. Selah was horribly spoiled, especially since her Godparents came over, too. She did not get put down much, or at all really.
(Brianna shooting at Mr. Eric. Bryan reloading her belt.)
Jacoby comes out of nowhere and Noah takes refuge on the couch with Mr. Eric!
Bryan is not at all fazed by any of this...
Poor little people!
Thought bubble above Selah: You know, I actually wouldn't mind playing on my mat for a little bit if that is alright. All this entertaining is exhausting!
Jonah is a bit exhausted, too. He's catching a breather in the corner. (2 hours past bedtime.)
Trying to get a picture of all of the kids together. We are waiting on the two 3 year olds... Jonah and Jacoby look like typical men, and Brianna just LOVES to hold Selah!
It didn't get much better than this. Rachael's kids (Brianna and Jacoby) are hamming it up, while the rest are not interested.
The adults, playing with the kids' toys after the kids are in bed...
We had quite a thunderstorm (yes, in December) during the night. 50 mph gusts. That WAS our grill, which USED to be on the patio with the chairs...And it appears that the OSU grill cover blew away. Probably into some poor Michigan fans yard, the imagined look on their face makes it all worthwhile!
Selah has this problem where she doesn't like to wear her hat.
See? And it usually retains it's shape like this. Weird, eh?
Brianna sneaking a nap, er...I mean, spending some quality time with Uncle Bryan!
Makian is finally my friend. I just had to bribe him with cupcakes...I am not too proud!
Selah, napping on Grandma.
We cannot open presents until Noah gets up from his nap.
So I am just going to keep an eye on them.