Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm case you were wondering...

American holidays in Europe are just different. 

We had Thanksgiving Dinner after 11 am Mass on post today. 

It worked out well because hosting at our house would present quite the list of limitations! 

Starting with the size of our "Polly Pocket" oven!
I did manage to cook sweet potatoes and mac and cheese, but that's all i could manage in 3 hours time. 

So I think we will have Pecan Pie for dessert tonight,  since I couldn't make it happen this morning. You'll never guess who helped make it...
(Sorry it is upside down. There's a J in the middle , if you cannot tell.)

Now. You're probably wondering why I didn't make thinks such as Pecan pie yesterday. 

Well. I tried. But Elijah had a doctors appt at 1500 downtown, 20 minutes away. But since you mist find parking, walk to he hospital, and then find the cashier's office and pay for the visit beforehand...we left at 1400. Good thing, as we arrived at the office only a few minutes before 1500. (That European life.) 

Then we went on a search for Pecans and a few other things. Got home around 1800. Made dinner, cleaned up and poof. Power went out. This time I don't even know why, we only had the dryer and a few lights on! In true "I don't have time for this" fashion, it took until 2200 to get it back on! 

To be clear, this is not the city is out of power, just out house. Electricity here is an adventure. We can only use 2 things at once, even with the upgraded power. If it is my hairdryer, we can only use that and must turn everything else off. (Lights, heat, oven, microwave, etc.) 

So this happened on Saturday and I was late picking someone up from the train station because I was trapped in my driveway unable to open my gate. Happened again on Monday when I dried my hair.

Wednesday night, it defied all things. The generator also decided to no longer work this week. So we were trapped and Noah needed picked up from the airport. 

All's well that ends well, after much stress and many prayers, I prayed a flying novena and poof, power. 

Bryan arrived at the airport exactly 1 minute before Noah texted asking where he was parked. 

I know I don't post much, I apologize. We are SO busy, and still adjusting to all the craziness of trying to live in Europe. To say it is an adventure is putting it mildly. 

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. May your day go more smoothly than ours!