The biggest and best news of the week, Judah is feeling better! He still has a runny nose and slight cough, but after 2 weeks he is sleeping again. We have hit his lifetime record of SEVEN good nights in a row! We had a little trouble here and there, especially with bedtime battles, but overall so much improvement. He is still waking up, but at least we get a few hours at a time!
Of course, I took him to Costco Tuesday night, and I couldn't find the stroller so I had to put him in the shopping cart. And, of course, the shopping cart cover was not in my car. So what does he do?! He CHEWED on the cart handle! TWICE!
Last night, he fell asleep on the way to church at 6:45 pm, slept all through Mass, and all the way home. He woke when I put him in his bed, but went back to sleep and didn't want to get up this morning at 7:30!
Then, he asked for a nap at noon.
So, we wait. This may just be the beginning of the next round. And we leave for Florida this weekend where we will be all staying in a hotel room. Unless, he is super sick and we will need a new plan! Please pray for us and our sanity!
In all the other news...
We have finally started on the mudroom. But, as always, it is far more work than we expected. Slow going over here.
Great little helper we have.
Learning lots of life skills building a bench.
Forgot to paint before moving in the bench, but that made a perfect spot for Elijah to climb up and help.
Anyone want onion salad? Well spun, I assure you.
Someone found Nutella Go snacks and went looking for Elijah to give them to him. (They are Elijah's favorite snack.)
Building "houses" with the laundry Mommy just folded. It works better that way!
That was exhausting and resting was needed. |
Look what Judah found in the garage. We have to hide them in the garage because he will beg for a Body Armor anytime he sees one.
One of our "won't go to bed" nights...partying at 1130 while Mom tries to do something productive. That productivity cost me a 20 minute clean up the next day...
Got dressed in not one, but two of Dad's shirts while helping fold laundry. |
Noah, doing what Noah does best....concocting odd foods. This one was Brazilian Limeade. |
Just a sweet helper, building a garage for his trains.
Feeling better, needs that morning Mocha.
Perhaps my current favorite picture.
Time for soup! Chef Judah is quite handy in the kitchen.
Needs more oregano.
Yep, looks good. You can carry it to the stove, Mom.
Dad taught him how to keep his hands warm.
Chef Jude's Chicken and Wild Rice soup. He didn't like it. Nor did the other kids. But Bryan, Jonah, and I did. Bryan and Jonah added cream, which likely made it even more excellent.
Helping make some dairy-free mashed potatoes...that he called cake.
He doesn't like mashed potatoes and doesn't care if anyone else does. They're a great art medium. |
I'll take a pumpkin muffin. With a REAL cup. You can keep the mashed potatoes. But I'll take a little turkey, if you please.
Basketball camp is sadly over. But the kids have improved greatly, had a blast, and are still trying to keep up those new skills.
Look who is the proud owner of glasses!
And the backup pair (they were only $7. And we all know she's gonna need a backup.) |
Cabinet help for the mudroom.
The constant on-off while being amazed at what things look like with glasses on. |
Judah's current favorite story- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
The moment you realize building cabinets was more work than you wanted. But it was half the price and you've already bought and cut the wood so....
The kitchen becomes a workshop because it's too cold to paint outside.
Ice cream at 10pm to celebrate Micah's Baptismal Birthday. After CAP. While Bryan was out of town. I definitely regretted this choice, no one was asleep before 1130pm.
Noah was able to hold to Judah for Adoration and Mass. He enjoyed every second...except for the seconds that the arm pain made it difficult to think of anything else. |
Still a work in progress. Not going to be finished before we leave for Florida, and the mess is starting to take over again. Baby Steps... |