Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween!

Couldn't find a bowl for candy, but a stock pot was still out from making sauce. It's bigger than it looks in the picture. Of course it was empty by the end of the night, but that was thanks to all our people realizing the trick or treat was over and making sure I didn't have anything left to clean up. 
Wilton family trick or treat is back! (Jonah went to a party with friends and Noah was planning to hide out inside but did eventually grab a sword and a sheet and go with Ben.  The draw of pounds of sugar was clearly too great.)

Judah got to FaceTime with Gabe.  They used to be great buddies but when he came back from basic training Judah was scared of him.  He gave him some smiles on the phone this time!

He loved the glow sticks. 
Judah hates things on his head but it was SO COLD. Mommy kept trying. And then it started to rain. We moved up into the garage but then lost our nice warm fire.

It may be a small neighborhood still,  but they made out well.  Her bag is full ... as are her pockets. 

Kids with colds meant we ate outside and then played the trade game outside afterward.

More candy than these two know what to do with. 

His haul was even crazier. Said a number of people said take a couple of handfuls we want to be done. Teens don't argue with that. 

Pretty proud

Feeling sad because he was more respectful than the other kids, and therefore didn't get as much candy. I didn't remind him they aren't eating all that candy anyway, but maybe I should have. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

This's great all the time, but especially first thing on a Saturday morning. 

Colors are finally here.  Looks better in person...and when the sun is out. But alas, that's a rarity this time of year. 

Judah found the dining room today! A whole new land to explore. It was just Judah and I at home and while I followed him around, I let him lead. (Seems his siblings are more inclined to trap him where they want him.) He found it interesting and then he found the cuckoo clock. He knew what it was and kept relying to say cuckoo. All the while playing with the chains up until I moved them out of his reach. He is so sweet and entertaining.  

Speaking of entertaining....these two found a mosquito on the dining room ceiling. Then they went and found something that would help them to crush it. Inventive, but they got it!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Elijah for the Win.

Elijah is always happy to help with Judah.  He truly adores his brother. 

Judah does NOT like things on his head.  He chucked the hat so fast. Then looked at it as if to say,  "and don't ya come back now, ya hear!?"
He's certainly entertaining.  

We had a anak group at our homeschool meeting today,  and I let Judah crawl in the floor towers the end because he was not happy in the cause anymore.  That's never happened before, and I fear it's going to tend that way. Hard to believe he's almost 10 months!

Anyway,one of the little girls got down to play with him and they were so cute. Her family is from Ohio,  too. It's so strange to have other kids in Ohio State gear at events!! 

This kid tested for his blure belt tonight. I didn't go, not sure if Bryan got any pictures, I forgot to ask. But he did excellent, besides that one tiny mess up. So proud of him.

When putting him to bed, I noticed he had a black eye. He told me, "Oh, yeah. That's probably from when I got backfisted." I, of course, assumed that happened while sparring at taekwondo. Turns out it was while playing basketball at the homeschool meeting. He didn't seem too upset, in fact, I'd say he seemed kinda excited to have a black eye. Boys.

Videos of Judah

Uploaded some videos a couple weeks ago. Never posted the links. He's growing like a weed and so smart and sweet!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Words on Wednesday

The kids have to answer questions for their Friday enrichment classes and this was Micah's answer this week. I just love it because it sums him up pretty well.  (Forgive his grammar/ capitalization, he's convinced no one reads it so he doesn't care.)

Judah has realized that white thing is magical and allows him to summon company. (It's the camera for the baby monitor.) He woke up after 20 minutes this morning and just started jabbering as he crawled over. Yes, in his boots and bar. Determined little guy and he wasn't going back to sleep. He had a lot to accomplish today! (His afternoon nap was almost 3 hours though, so that made up for it. Too bad he doesn't sleep 3 hours straight at night!)

Post minutes nap he was quite snuggly though. Such a rarity that everyone notices and expresses jealousy. Look at that hair growing in! May need a cut soon...

We FINALLY made it to Wednesday adoration and low Mass today! I've been trying so hard as I am so desperate for resolution of Judah's food issues, as well as better sleep. I remind myself that he's doing SO well compared to what we were prepared for that I shouldn't complain. But it's still hard. Mama is tired and misses food. Here's hoping my prayers will be answered soon, clearly not tonight as he's already been up twice since we got home. But that face.  I wish I could hold a sleeping baby every day of my life. There's just nothing like the peace and love it fills you with. Our God is so good. So faithful. So loving. Being a mother has been the greatest gift God has bestowed on me (thus far. I do hear grandkids are somehow more amazing.) And this little guy just fills us all up in this house. He's a blessing like no other. 

Can't you just feel his peace? Sleeping in the presence of Jesus has got to be pretty stellar. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Long day for Mr Judah here. 
We took Noah to take his PSAT. Left the house at 645 am and didn't return until 1245. It started out rough and I was worried.  
But he caught a few extra zzz's along the way and his smile came out with the sun! He also loves to take his socks off on the rare opportunities he's been presented with socks and no boots.  

And he even tried to put them back on.  

I took a short video.  I love the personality that shine through. 

 Sure,  my house is a mess. (Like messier than it's ever been in 21 years of marriage)  No one has matching socks or wrinkle free clothes. My current decorating theme is "flat white walls with dirty hands prints" and I don't even remember what it felt like to sleep for more than an hour. But man, I can't even imagine what my days would be like without this guy in them. He makes them so much better. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Another Fall-less Year in Michigan.

We have, once again, gone from hot to cold without a stay in the middle here in Michigan. I really just don't like living here. 

It's also been wet. Bryan still has to do the walkway and he's going to have to bail it out....or we'll just ice skate on it here shortly.

This is Judah's duck pond. He loves those ducks. He tries to say comes out like duh. It's sweet.

He's also waving like crazy. Anyone, everywhere. (It doesn't mean he likes you or wants you to hold him though. Don't get too excited.) Here he is waving at those ducks!

I have finally finished making the 6 bushels of tomatoes into sauce. So I was very excited to go fold some laundry. Judah was also excited. It was not the most productive folding session. What he didn't unfold, he put back into the basket. But that smile!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021