Is that really a blue camo ninja here to put away all that laundry?
Sadly, I tried to ask and scared him away before he completed the task.
Wishing we still had that Colorado sunshine, one gloomy Michigan winter day at a time.
Is that really a blue camo ninja here to put away all that laundry?
Sadly, I tried to ask and scared him away before he completed the task.
It's Elijah's night and he wanted to play Yahtzee (he's a weird 3.5 year old, or so we thought). Turns out the kid has luck beyond belief. Honestly, those non-perfect scores are pretty much all when he told me to roll. Poor Bryan had a stellar game but he couldn't even compete. I mean, who gets 4 Yahtzees?
One great positive about being a slow grower, is that you can wear things much longer than the average kid. 15 months and going strong!
We went to vote in the primaries yesterday, these three were excited to "help" and get themselves a sticker. When we got home, Noah expressed concern over the kids breaking the law...evidenced by their stickers. And Jonah went right to asking Selah who she voted for.
She quickly replied, "George Washington!"
How I wish he was an option!
Mom: Selah, grab a coat, please! It's like 19° outside.
Selah: Mom, I can't! Coats are my worst enemy!
Once outside...
Selah: Ahhh! I can't see! The sun is so bright! It's hurting my eyes! And it's so warm it's like SUMMER!
Yes, it's a balmy 22°F today. And sunny. You may want to break out the shorts.