Bryan stopped at toys r us with the kids today and happened to find the duck tales game for the wii u. This may not seem significant, but there's a background story. Recently, I found duck tales at Costco, and bought volume 1. I loved duck tales as a kid, and thought the kids might enjoy it. Of course they've loved it...minus Selah being terrified of the mummies in assign episode and refusing to sleep in her room alone the last few weeks. Over the course of some discussions about the show, I mentioned how there used to be a duck tales Nintendo game and it was my favorite. We didn't own it, but we could rent it. And wherever it was my turn To pick the game rental, I picked that. I couldn't remember much other than collecting diamonds in the Himalayan mountains.
So, needless to say, he surprised me with the game. Is it as fun as I remember? Well, I'm thinking I'm far worse than I used to be at Nintendo (not that I was ever good!) So I didn't do well, but it's fun having the little forgotten memories pop up. Although, I'm sure for Bryan and the kids, watching me play was pretty painful!
And it's led to some if those other discussions that make you feel old...reminiscing about life before the internet, cell phones, cordless phones, computers. Talking about doing research at the library in books, typing papers on a typewriter, rotary dial phones, VHS tapes and VCRs, cassettes and boomboxes, NO DVD PLAYERS IN THE CAR (kids are horrified. Funny, they've only had them for 3 years!), car phones...the list seems endless, really. And it's so crazy to see how much has changed in our lifetime. Can't imagine where it will be when our kids are our age. Sure does make you feel old.