Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Silly Selah

Not sure how that can be comfortable, but she was sleeping peacefully!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Note to self...

Do not leave coffee cake unattended to cool.

On a more positive note, they used a kid knife!

Of course, all sharp knives are in a cupboard above the stove. Someone (Selah) has been know to get into them. And the scissors are in a locked cupboard. So really, the only other option is a butter knife. But while that may seem harmless, Selah and Noah have both cut themselves with butter knives!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Couldn't find Micah...

Heard singing from bathroom. Found this.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


When I went to check on Selah last night, she was sleeping sideways, with her feet hanging off the bed. I pulled back the sheets to tuck her in properly...and happened to notice they were all gritty. I pulled them back further and found...the empty bottle of Montreal steak seasoning. I guess her sheets needed seasoning?

Sarah: Selah, why did you put steak seasoning in your bed?
Selah: Because I like steak and I wanted my bed to be steak.

Dear future husband of Selah: Good luck.

Keep It Simple

Mr Elijah doesn't tend to last long playing anywhere or with anything alone. Today, i set him on the floor for a minute to do something with two hands. When i turned back to get him, he was playing happily with a sock. He sat there and played a solid 20 minutes with only his socks today! There's something to be said about keeping it simple!

Friday, March 15, 2013

7 months!!

My baby is on the downslope to his first birthday. It's exciting, but it also makes me sad. It's very hard to enjoy him with Bryan gone, simply because I just don't have time. Being a "single Mom" of 5 is rough. I have a new appreciation for how much Bryan helps. Then throw in the homeschooling, and it starts to get insane. But what puts it over the top is all the food issues. I'm not exaggerating when I say I literally do not leave the kitchen except to take Elijah up to bed for naps. So, poor Elijah spends virtually the entire day in the kitchen, as well. Jonah will usually rescue him at some point and take him off to play for a bit. He's a sweet kid. (I was referring to Elijah,  but Jonah is, too!)
Today, Jonah fed Elijah his dinner, he's still just eating quinoa flakes and pears. They both seemed to do fine with the set up and I was able to make dinner!
Elijah also loves his baths. He usually talks up a storm, splashing the whole time!

So pretty!

Selah is loving the new scarf her Daddy sent from Afghanistan!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Leaping towers

"Mommy, look! It's the leaping tower of Pisa!"

(I Was actually surprised she knew what that was. And she even almost got the name right!)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't worry...

It's not like that was a $12 roll of wrapping paper...oh wait. Yes, it was.


I told her i was going to take a shower. I came back out to get a towel...and found this. She has the"key" for the locks on the cupboards. Heaven only knows what kind of trouble she was looking for!

Baby chipmunk

Isn't he cute, chewing in his pacifier? He doesn't suck on it anymore, just chews. But I guess when you have 8 teeth, your priorities change!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

This is not a drill


Attack in Kabul

We were sitting in the office this morning when an explosion went off. We went outside to see where it was coming from. (Turned out to be the Ministry of Defense, about 1 km away) You can cleary hear two gun shots in this video, probably 5 minutes of small arms fire overall, although I still haven't figured who was firing or why. Here's a link for the attack: 



Friday, March 8, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Great idea, Selah!

Micah walks in the kitchen and exclaims, "Selah! That's a GREAT idea!"
He's referencing the 3 step stools that she stacked on top of each other. What's the significance? They're trying you reach the ipod so they can play a game. It was actually quite funny as they were whispering back and forth, trying to sneak it out off the kitchen without me noticing. Of course, I'm listening to the radio on out, so if they were successful, I'd hear right away. And there is a password on it, so they couldn't play anything anyway.

Notice Selah built the tower to stand on, but Micah is the one actually standing on it. This is likely so she can honestly say, "Micah did it!" That child is trouble.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

When it's 27° in March...

Selah dresses like this. Her brother's rain boots, a skirt with bare legs, a tshirt, and a church coat. I was concerned, but she never did complain after playing in the snow in that. I guess the sun was warm.

A pig-drawn carriage

That is Noah's creation today. That poor pig. He has quite a load to carry!

Monday, March 4, 2013


Must be more comfy than it looks!

Finally comfy?

He's been asleep since 615. In his own bed. Around 7 he rolled over onto his belly...perhaps that's been the missing key all along? It's now 10 after 10 and he's finally stirring. After a rough day, I've been blessed with a very peaceful evening! I'm so grateful, I really needed the break tonight. And I got a fair amount of housework done!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Baby feet

Elijah has found his's one of my most favorite baby things. He's just so cute playing with them.


Mom! I can't find my shoes...but i found a hat!

I don't think that hat is going to keep you warm in the snow, but you're cute!

Junior federal agent

Not sure when Micah grew up, but he seems to have left the baby look behind. Junior Agent Wilhelm is out fighting crime today...but never too busy to help his mom cut carrots!