Thursday, September 27, 2012

The steps?

We never know where we will find Selah sleeping. Last night, it was on the stairs. I asked her about it this morning, she said she was thirsting and could find her water cup. And i was doing dishes so she just sat down.
Guess she was really tired.

6 weeks!

Elijah hit the 6 week mark yesterday! (which means Mommy is about to go hit some pavement!)
Amazing that he could possibly be 6 weeks. And yet, hasn't he always been here?!? Funny how that works. Here's him snuggling on his Daddy last night.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Mr Elijah has been smiling quite a bit in the mornings the last week or so. I can't seem to locate the camera and my phone has a delay so it's hard to capture a good shoot. Don't mind the spit up, it was the best shot!

Big brother Micah

He loves his baby brother!

Day 3

Another peaceful shower from Elijah...too bad Selah felt the need to come steal all the hot water!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 2

Another peaceful shower to start day two...praying today will be as productive as yesterday!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to life...

Back to reality.

Bryan is back to work today after an entire month (and a day) off. Thankfully Elijah cooperated this morning and let me take a shower. A PEACEFUL one! I'm anxious to get back to a routine, as sad as I am that Bryan isn't going to be home all the time anymore. So far so good...going this continues!

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Sweet little Elijah and sweet big Micah head the same idea during family movie time. Nap. Can't say I blame them, I wasn't all that impressed with The Lorax.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Sometimes, when you have to cook without gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, & really struggle to find acceptable meals, particularly for lunch. Add in no meat on Fridays...and you just might feed your kids donuts and ice cream for lunch! They were thrilled, as you can imagine. Micah has never had a donut before, and he loved them. His first response was "I like it! I like it, Mommy!" The ice cream was a toasted marshmallow coconut ice cream. It was more work and mess than my normal recipe, but did come out pretty well. The kids loved it, and if you look, you can see the chunks of toasted marshmallow. Yum, no deprivation here!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Teeth & naps

The kids had dentist appointments for cleanings today. It was Selah's first time, but Bryan went with her so I didn't get a picture. She did great and loved it as much as the boys. I know that it doesn't LOOK like Jonah is loving it, but that's because he had a baby tooth he broke running into something. It's been bugging him so the dentist offered to pull it. Jonah said yes, and he actually pulled two because the one next to it was already loose and in the way. This was Jonah waiting for the dentist after being numbed. He was getting a bit nervous.

And the other picture of Micah shows that it may not have been wise to go to Lowe's after dinner. He sure is cute, though!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sweet baby

Yet another Wilhelm who not only smiles as he falls asleep, but laughs, too. I promise you, it's contagious.