I missed the photo op, but we were waiting to see the doctor on Thursday and Miss Selah thought she should wear Elijah's clothes. She not only had his hat perched on top of her head, then had his pants on up to her knees! Such a goofy kid.
We were at the pediatrician's office because Selah and Micah had pink eye. Haven't had a case of that since Jonah was 2!! And Mr Elijah had a check up. All looks good, he's gaining weight well and the only problem we have is a granuloma under his umbilical cord. They did a silver nitrate treatment and the cord feel off the next day! I'm pretty sure all of our kids still had theirs at a month before he came along. Selah had a granuloma too and she was at least 4 months before we got it mostly taken care of. (I can't even remember how many silver nitrate applications it took, and she still has a funny scar.) So overall, other than still being yellow because of the jaundice, Elijah looks great! Now that I cut out the dairy, he is a sweet, peaceful baby who sleeps great. He goes 3-4 hours between feedings at night and is sleeping in his bassinet! He still likes to be held all day, but he's not even two weeks old, I'll cut him some slack.
And then we did end up having to take Micah to Urgent Care on Friday for an ear infection. He was a miserable mess until the Motrin kicked in. Then you wouldn't even have known he was sick. It was a bit annoying since we had just paid to take them in for their eyes, simply because they said they needed to check their ears. And, as I have an otoscope, I didn't feel that was necessary. Add in 24 hours later the 2 year old screaming uncontrollably about his ear...and a quick peek by inexperienced me shows lots of red...and then he falls off his chair onto the top of his head at dinner. (quite literally, just as if he had dove head first onto a pool.) So I reluctantly packed him up and took him in again and the doc says to make sure to do around the clock Motrin for 24 hours, it's nasty in there. So did it really look totally fine the day before?!?
Either way, he was a perfect patient at the Urgent Care, and then was reluctant to leave, a they were so fast he hasn't gotten to play with any of the (disgustingly germy) toys!