Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lego Pool

Selah's swimming in Legos this morning. I think we may have too many. And i just love Micah's innocent face.

Unrelated, this morning i heard commotion in the kitchen and this was the following conversation:

Me: what are you guys doing?
Micah: Selah has tomatoes!

At least one kid is still honest to a fault.

Monday, April 23, 2012

10 minutes later...

While she was in her room thinking about what she did wrong, she snuck out into Micah's room, climbed the shelves in his closet, got the basket down and dumped gross smelling lotion all over. No, I have not cleaned up the lipstick yet. Yes, I need a nanny. It is virtually always her fault that Bryan comes home to a frazzled wife, no dinner, messy kitchen, no clean laundry, and carpets that need to be cleaned.

Today's Selah Adventure

I haven't cried...yet. and I haven't beaten her...yet.
And I need to update on all the stuff she did last week. Shes been on fire the last couple of weeks. What was my reasoning against daycare again??

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Somethings Never Go Away

Like feeling disappointed to see an A- on the top of a paper with your name of it! It's actually just my blood type written on the top of the script for my glucose test and antibody screen/rhogam injection. But for a second I was taken right back to school days wondering where I lost points. And on a side note, crazy to think we're closing in on that point in the pregnancy already! Mr Elijah is 23 weeks along! 16 and a half and counting...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

News Stories on EE

Interestingly enough, twice in about a month there have been news articles about children suffering from Eosinophilic Esophagitis- what Micah has been diagnosed with. We saw his GI today, first check up for him since he was diagnosed at the end of January. (But I won't expound on my frustration with that!) Doctor was happy that Micah was growing along the same curve and seems to be doing better. I expressed concern that we weren't certain that the steroids were making a difference that maybe it was only the PPI (Proton-pump Inhibitor) that was making the difference. So he suggested removing the steroid and seeing how he does. He said his goal is to make Micah as comfortable as possible on the least amount of drugs. Good, that's what we want, too! But it seems like that is the only thing we agree on. Well that and the fact that frequent scopes aren't high on the list, especially since they use general anesthesia. But as his parents, we want to attempt to find the food(s) causing the reaction and eliminate them and perhaps he can live a normal, healthy life without ANY drugs and just a more restricted diet. His GI seems to think that is unlikely. He also has stated while we will monitor his numbers (the number of eosinophils in the esophagus) and continue to watch for damage in the esophagus, he doesn't really think numbers are a big deal . How the child feels is more important (hard to truly know with a 2 year old!!) And we agree it is important to watch for visual clues of improvement or decline...but we want to see improvement in numbers. The doctor stated basically that many GI docs will be very concerned with gettting the number to 0 and he thinks that is unecessary. Why? to prevent future damage. Well, sir, to be honest...that's why we care. He's 2. We are thrilled to have caught this so early. But we feel that gives even more responsibility to get it under control while we still can! He even directly said to me that he feels it is more important to directly focus on and treat the symptoms. And THIS is exactly what is wrong with the medical commuunity these days!!!!!

So, we are in the process of having Cincinnati look at his case and praying they will take him as a patient. Bryan and I both feel that they are a much better source of information and treatment and really want to feel like we have doctors more concerned with helping our child, not drugging symptoms!

As for Noah, I think I forgot to mention he tested negative for EE. (Which you probably assumed from the lack of info!) Milk is definitely a no way, but he is doing much better without the milk in his diet. However, we are still having a lot of issues with him and he saw the GI today, too. He wasn't too concerned until he saw he lost weight in the last 2 months. They didn't say how much and the kids were not well behaved today during the appt so I wasn't of the right mind to ask. But, he had blood drawn and said if that is all normal he's not going to worry at this point. I'm so desperate for answers, whatever they may be. I'm just one of those people who needs to know. Suspense kills me. In movies  and in books...and tremendously more so in real life!

So here are the links to the stories if you are interested- this is what we want to prevent!
This second link is mostly 2 video clips and admittedly very dramatized. Not downplaying the severity of the disease for this child, I just thought the videos were kind of cheesy- but also show how damaging and life threatening this can be.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sleepy Mickey

Mr Micah fell asleep on the couch this afternoon. He's just so sweet.

Finally An Artist?

We are a very unartistic family. To the point of patheticness, really. But today, Selah and Micah are painting. And Selah tells me she made a rainbow. Micah says nothing, just hands me a paper. Believe it or not, Selah (who is 3.5) did the one on the left. And Micah (who is 2) did the one on the right. Selah is following the path of her older brothers and her parents. But Micah? We're  impressed. May not be a true artist...but compared to the rest of us, it's shockingly good!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

March 2012

We took the kids over to the church and got some fairly good shots a few weeks ago. I did manage to get them mailed off to some of the family so now I can share with everyone.

...the prayers of the saints went up before God...
Revelation 8:4

 The Wilhelm Kids.
March 2012
Jesus, show me the way.

Dear Lord, Please tell Mom I don't need Math!

Hey God, Did you see that Lego church I made today? Pretty cool, eh?

I'll say a prayer if you let me light a candle...

Dear Lord, NO MORE SISTERS. Amen.

...and a pony...and a new baby doll...

Jonah prayed to the LORD, his God, from the belly of the fish.

Can I light another one? I'll say another prayer!

120 years to build the ark??

Selah, curled up with the Good Book.

Really Cute Christian Missionaries

Oh, those aren't for me?

Here, Jesus, I stole you Selah's flowers!

Trouble and Trouble's shadow.

If you hang on the handle long enough, it just pops open!

Noah- 6.5 years

Selah- 3.5 years

Jonah- 10 years

Micah- 2 years

He doesn't know it yet, but I traded him my peas!

Love is in the air? Where?

Best Friends... for the moment.
Shaken, not stirred.

I couldn't sleep. I needed a snack and fresh air.

That's MY ball, thank you very much!

Easter 2012

After the Sunrise Service.
They were hungry and starting to fall apart a bit but they were quite good for Mass, so I won't complain

 Cookies for Easter Breakfast?
We always make Easter Story cookies the night before and let them eat them first thing in the morning. The kids love the tradition.
 But where's the frosting?

 The boys. Ties tied tight and shirts tucked in are optional AFTER Mass.

 My sweet little Buckeye.

Noah showing off his new running shoes he BEGGED would be in his Easter basket.

Micah trying out his new running shoes, too. And thinking we might need to actually try running in them...
Selah has her new runing shoes on, as well. We're kind of a houseful of monkey-see, monkey-dos. But it's almost been a week and they are still quite a hit, so I'm not complaining.
She's about to win the race! Those are some FAST shoes!

Selah's Restaurant?

I can't complain. At least she waited until 9 am. But she also waited until Daddy walked out the door for a run. She claims she doesn't know what happened. I'm pretty sure I can glean from this picture a pretty good she felt the need to pour rice milk (that she managed to remove the seal on. Amazing.) Into the flower pots...that have holes in the bottom. Her customers were probably a little disappointed to receive empty, dripping cups.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Playground?

Why bother. They would much rather play in the sand, with sticks, and with the storm grates than the playground. Kids.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Big Boy!

I just caught Micah washing his own hands in the bathroom. He looked so big standing on a stool, having turned the water on himself and everything. I'm  not ready for him to grow up!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tropical Dinner

If you can't get to the tropics...bring them to you! Or at least your table. For dinner the other night we had Macadamia nut encrusted Tilapia with a Mango cream sauce, quinoa with pineapple and mango, roasted green beans, and a tropical salad of spinach, bacon, mango, pineapple, green onion, and macadamia nuts with a pineapple vinaigrette. Besides the mango cream sauce it was all gluten and dairy free. Of course,  I don't think the kids touched anything besides the tilapia and the bowl of plain pineapple. But you can't please them every night!

Too Slow

I guess a pot of oatmeal takes too long to cook for these two. And I guess someone left the cupboard open. So they got themselves some lunch. Someone needs to give them lessons in pouring. And, of course, after making them take it in the kitchen where it belongs, they dumped the bowl all over in there. Round little balls of Panda Puffs roll all over, especially when poured from a higher height. And then, they couldn't stop themselves from stomping on the balls and pretzels. Or throwing them, in Micah's case. I no longer wonder why the house is always a mess. And the dishes and laundry are always piled up. Along with the dust.

Mmmm, meringue!

Selah only likes the meringue part of a lemon meringue pie. And if you don't watch her every second, you might catch her scraping the meringue off the rest of the pie once she's eaten it off her slice. No surprise there, I suppose.

Selah Loves Toothpaste

Selah has a toothpaste addiction. And last time she ate it a couple weeks ago, I was suspicious that she had learned to open the doors with the child locks on them. But after much discussion and trying to trick her into opening the doors for us...we concluded she had not and someone must have opened her bathroom door and forgot to shut. However, I did not put new toothpaste in there, I just kept it in the kitchen. Until 2 days ago. Not only did I put one tube in there...I put two. And today, Jonah caught her eating both tubes. The larger one was still in the box and sealed. That one is empty. The smaller one was used a few times and is only about 2/3 empty. Gee, nice of her to leave some. The problem is, this is the only toothpaste she will use. Micah uses the orajel flavor with thomas the tank engine on it. Selah says it's too hot and screams the whole time. It's not hot at's baby toothpaste! Micah's is called tooty fruity and Selah's pinkie fruity. You wouldn't think there'd be a difference. And reading the ingredient list, you find there isn't. Until the last ingredient in Selah's, which isn't in Micah's. What is it? Sucralose. Gross. And i'm sure that is why she eats it.