Thursday, June 30, 2011


I am SO not a birthday person. But I definitely have to give credit to Bryan and the kids for giving me a great one this year! They took me out to breakfast, then to lunner in Frankenmuth, and made me ice cream cupcakes. And, of course, bought me a pretty present. I am very blessed.

(Perhaps worth mentioning is that Selah broke an Ohio State plate at Bronner's Christmas store, got gum from a trash can all over her hands, trampled some flowerbeds and managed to block traffic on the sidewalk at least 10 times. Good thing she's cute, people are very forgiving.  And Noah opened and spilled oil for the lawnmower in the new van. But, overall, was a great day!)

Good friends

I have this amazing friend, Jamie, who sent this (for no reason at all- does anyone believe that??) I just had to share...and yes, it tastes as good as it looks!! Too bad she lives too far away to come enjoy it with me! (Little Selah (R) and Micah (L) were very anxious to help taste-test!)

Monday, June 27, 2011

It's almost July!

Time to start excercising those shoveling muscles! Winter will be back before you know it!

Once again

Selah's out playing in the road. Without a shirt. But at least she has pants on today!

Real conversation

Micah, did you have a popsicle?
(He LOVES the word no!)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The sheep ran off...

And the chicken went to chase him. Too much fun to be had!

In Michigan...

You'll be driving down a normal road and suddenly you'll see this sign. Next thing you know, you're on a dirt road. Even more fun is when you somehow miss the sign. It's so weird to us- especially when it's in residential areas!

Petting the sheep

Selah's a little scared!

Friday, June 24, 2011

If you need us...

We'll be in the front yard planting all weekend!

Such a sweetie.

Not to leave Selah out, she looks pretty sweet with her headphones and the Grinch!

Big boy!

Micah doesn't seem to mind his headphones at all- and having 4 kids with movies and headphones provides Bryan and I with some much appreciated peace! Now the boys can watch a movie, the little two can watch a different movie and we can listen to the radio or a cd! Ahhh....

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Selah's Cooking!

Anyone want to join us for dinner?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

US Soccer!

The US plays Panama tonight and Jonah has his chair decorated and waiting for the game!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Take my picture!

So I did. She is so sweet when she isn't finding trouble!

Beautiful Saturday Morning!

The kids and I are playing on the playground while Bryan plays tennis this morning with some friends. Micah is LOVING this swing. He won't get out to let anyone else have a turn!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Selah and Her Honesty

Couldn't find Selah and she wasn't answering...never good. Finally realized my bedroom door was closed. I tried to open it but there was a big lump in the way...aka Selah...trying to prevent the door from being opened. She was hiding behind the door eating pudding.

This is a typical conversation with Selah. She's sorry 500 times...but has no interest in changing her ways!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Scaredy Cat Selah

Selah is just terrified when we go to Rainforest Cafe. Between the animals moving and the thunderstorms, she spends half the time hugging someone! This time, she didn't even want to come in the main doors into the mall. I was surprised she recognized it since we haven't been here in quite a while! Guess trauma is a pretty powerful thing!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We are so blessed to have great climbers here! Apparently I wasn't fast enough while cutting the cantaloupe and I turned around and found this. Selah pushed the chair over and they BOTH used it to climb up. Unassisted. Frightening, isn't it? (Micah will be 18 months tomorrow and weighs 29 lbs. He SO should not be able to climb onto my counters!)


"This is Little Lettuce. He's my baby daughter!"

Monday, June 13, 2011

Silver linings

I try to always find the silver lining...especially when it comes to trouble from Selah. This time the silver lining is that she colored on the BACK of the new pillows...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Because it's not enough to play in the dirt at home

They have to play in the dirt at soccer to. Lovely. Funny thing is, I never minded the dirt and mud with the older two boys. I guess maybe doubling the mess is when I realized I just can't keep up with it all!

Happy Early Father's Day!

Bryan got a Bloodgood Japanese Maple for Father's Day this year. I don't even know how many years he's been wanting one. And we found a nursery with amazing prices- this tree is al least 6 ft tall, I think (the aborvities are over 5), and it was only $39!!! Selah was doing a great job flooding the tree for him.

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Never turn your back.

The boys took a bath this morning- and apparently didn't drain the tub..OR shut the bathroom door. Next thing I know, I hear a splash and Mr. Micah was havng himself a bath, clothes and all. I'm absolutely amazed at his climbing ability...I fear he will put Selah to shame...

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Every now and then, I have hope for the future. On rare occasions, Selah and Micah can be friends! Maybe, just maybe, they can get along on the couch for 10 minutes watching Diego and I can unload the dishwasher ...nevermind, they're fighting already...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm just getting the dirt off!

Nevermind how dirty she's getting in the process! In her cute little skirt, no less!

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Watch out!

The boys got new water guns today...they're called the hydro cannon. I'm not sure Noah will be able to lift it when it's full of water-much less hold and pump it!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Jonah's leg

Still gross enough that I would take him in for it, but looking so much better! He saw the orthopedic surgeon yesterday who was a little bit concerned that the wound is still leaking and not sure about the white part in the middle. However, there are no signs of infection and so he gave him the green light for his last soccer game last night. Jonah was tremendously thrilled, even though he is definitely not 100% on that leg yet. He had a great time anyway!

Tallest towers

Noah (& Micah) working on the tallest tower in the world while waiting for a doctor's appointment. Luckily, there weren't too many other people in the waiting room!


If you won't open the marshmallows for me, i'll figure out na way to open them myself!

Crazy Kids

Unbeknownst to us, Mr. Noah was sleeping in the hallway this evening. I have yet to figure out why they don't like to sleep in their beds...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I seem to have run out of cereal...may I have more please? .... the pieces on my shirt are not acceptable for human consumption, I need more.

It continues to go downhill...

Or would it be uphill?? Mr. Micah has learned to climb up the chairs and onto the table or counter. Pretty impressive given that the chairs are counterheight and he's not the most limber/flexible child. I'm pretty sure Selah encouraged this somehow...

Washed and Dried Peanuts

In Georgia, they sell boiled peanuts. In MI we make a similar treat by washing them in a pants pocket and then drying them. Sometimes you just have to go with it!

Matching shoes are optional

All we require these days is a right shoe on the right foot and a left shoe on the left foot. We figure it's better than being barefoot!

Daddy time

Bryan was singing to Micah while putting him to bed and it was too sweet to pass up. I didn't figure he'd appreciate video, but hopefully he doesn't mind a picture too much! Micah is getting SO big, he looks like such a big boy snuggled up with his daddy. And the kids are so fortunate to have a daddy to sing to them at bedtime...their mom gives them one song, a pat, and a kiss when she tucks them in!

A win for USA!

We survived 4 hours at Ford Field with all the kids! Surprisingly enough, we saw no other people there with 4 little kids...I wonder why...
And, FYI, never, ever park on the 5th level of the parking deck at Ford Field. 15 minutes and not a single car has moved, always enjoyable 3 hours after the kids bedtime!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Today's adventure

Some Gold Cup soccer ended up in Detroit this year! And the US v Canada is one of the games at Ford Field! You know we couldn't pass up that opportunity here we are, watching Panama play Guadeloupe as we wait for the US game. I admit to being a wee bit nervous that she's going to jump that bar and hit the field.

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Sleepy Girl!

Maybe she'll nap today? She's a bit tired, lying on the kitchen floor playing with magnets!

Looking Good!

Jonah's leg is healing well...he might even get to play some soccer next week!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Innocent until proven guilty?

I think I have a fairly good idea who was playing in the charcoal...and who may need some extra focus on English being written left to right this year!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Selah and Jonah have matching knee injuries-isn't that cute?

Real coffee!

Well, I suppose the coffee itself has been real enough, but I haven't had real creamer in almost 17 months! It's good...but not as good as I remember. Kind of funny. Jonah's hospitalization came at pretty good time in that I was in the process of weaning Micah and so we just sped the process up a couple weeks. And let me tell you, life with gluten and dairy is SO much less stressful and everything tastes a million times better! We're still gluten and dairy free at home for the most part (save coffee creamer, perhaps) but at least I can enough a treat every now and then!

Friday, June 3, 2011

We're home!

Jonah got lots of loving as soon as he got home. The kids were all so excited to see him. Micah was over there, too, but ran away before I got the camera!

Going home!

He a wee bit excited to be going home. There was absolutely NO WAY he was riding a wheelchair down. Nor was he letting me carry the bag with his Lego creations. Way too risky for Mom to touch them!

Hospital Stay Days 3&4

Jonah is doing SO much better! All that Wii playing with his new friend (who sadly-for him- left yesterday afternoon) earned him quite a bit of swelling. But after a good night's sleep he is doing very well today. 
This has been a great opportunity to do a little fun learning for us.  Unfortunately the kit I brought in required more "at home" materials than I realized.  But we were able to learn about hinge joints and ball and socket joints and make a stethoscope that works!  Pretty fun stuff.

Thursday night Jonah was FINALLY hungry. He had grilled cheese (best ever), salad with Ranch (best salad and dressing ever), and both lemon meringue pie and Ben and Jerry's fudge brownie frozen yogurt. It was such a relief to see him eat! I told him he could even eat his dessert first but he saved it for last, anyway.  Such a good kid.

Once he managed to get in the chair yesterday he refused to get back in the bed. Said he was sleeping in the chair because the bed was too uncomfortable. I laughed becase that chair is SO not comfortable but he did sleep much better in it! Only problem was that he isn't really heavy enough to keep the chair back so it kept ending up in the sitting position and I had to keep pushing it back down. It was kind of funny, and he never seemed to notice!

The Punching Bag of Fury!
Everytime Jonah tries to walk around this thing swings and gets him in the face. It's been driving him nuts. But you can see how he is quite obviously feeling better to be goofing around like this!!

(Don't know why this keeps loading sideways, and I can't seem to rotate it.) But while they leg is still swollen, it is not swollen too badly anymore!

Still a little gross but looking SO much better.

This morning's project, Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter.  Knocked that out before 8 am!

Bored. Ready to go home or wishing someone would come play with him!