Micah's 5 months already!!! I promise that for his half birthday I'll post a bunch of pics of him. Things are starting to become a little more manageable so I hope to start finding time to blog again soon. I can no longer do so while Micah's eating as he is more interested in what I'm doing than what he should be doing!
But here's a bit of quick info about Mr. Micah
-he's sitting up pretty well, and just looks SO big!
-he's a super happy baby, as long as he's being walked around or played with. He's not much for being left alone.
-he smiles at EVERYONE who makes eye contact! (Unless he's hungry or tired.)
-he has TWO teeth, which are very sharp. And he loves to show you just how ready he is for some steak by biting your hands.
-he's passed the 19 pound mark...and trying hard to catch his big sister!
-he has beautiful, big, blue eyes that watch everything going on around him.
-he is very tolerant of his siblings, especially Selah. But we think he might just be biding his time until he has the upper hand.
-he's still bald, it takes a lot of energy to maintain a body this size! Hair will, undoubtedly, come later.
-he has found his feet!
-he is Mr. Grabby Hands. He dumped my cereal twice this morning alone. It's becoming dangerous to cook with him!
-he is one of the most loved people in the whole world!