Friday, April 30, 2010

Weighing in

We're taking bets as to when Micah will be bigger than Selah.

Their current stats are:
Selah-19 months, 30 inches, 20 lbs 12 oz, 18 month clothes
Micah-4 months, 27 inches, 18 lbs 1/2 oz, 9 and 12 month clothes
Probably won't be long!

In other news, Selah still climbs on everything and only eats things she shouldn't. Micah is the sweetest baby ever and already has a tooth. Jonah and Noah are up to the same old trouble and have 29 days of school left. We're all waiting on summer!

Real life

2 aren't dressed, the other two need haircuts, but here they are.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

If you let them paint unsupervised...

It is garaunteed that you will live to regret it. All I wanted to do was make dinner. Instead I got halfway through and had to double the time to clean up the mess. It actually got a lot worse than this....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Niagra Falls

Until I have time to blog about our mini-vacation to Niagra Falls, Canada, here is a link to a few pics on Facebook

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jonah's First Communion

Time never seems to be on my for you non-facebookers, here's a link to a couple of pictures from this weekend thatn my aunt took with her camera.  I have yet to locate my camera, much less the card reader and then find the time to transfer. So this is probably as good as it will get for a while, Sorry!

Here's a little sneak peak...
The 6 of us with GG...Jonah's always out for a laugh

Noah looking handsome in his suit, wishing the gifts were his.

Noah, enjoying the homily.

Jonah smiling nice for once with GG.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

She's definitely female

Selah's friend Jacie sent her some cool clothes, and she was so excited that she has new bathing suits ahe couldn't decide which one to wear. So she wore both.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Friday!

We're starting the day off right here-how about you?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Not so happy....

To be the baby. Micah is feeling left out when everyone else is playing.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jonah's First Communion

Oops! I knew I would forget to post in a timely manner! Here's your reminder, Jonah's making his first Communion on Sunday. It's April 18th at 1:30. Taking place at St Mary Queen of Creation in New Baltimore. You're all invited, we are going to an early dinner afterwards, so let us know if you are coming and if you need directions. (This is a full Mass.)

Monday, April 12, 2010

All these spoons

And none will open that mac & cheese. Now I will find Noah, he's always happy to help!

Only at the Wilhelm house

Will you find kids fighting over a bowl of raw potatoes.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Space shuttle bed tent

Just my luck.  We find the "cheap" version of the space shuttle bunk beds- but they are no longer available.  GRRRRRR!

When I'm complaining about repair bills

Remind me why I have them!
The kids want to go to soccer practice, and then they want to play in the car! I could have stayed home and cleaned up rather than sat in the van with 3 kids. But they're having a blast at least, and Micah's asleep in the front-pack, so I can facebook on my phone in relative peace...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Not sure who won

Was it Selah or the Thin Mint?

(And no, none of the boys ever had a cookie at 19 months. Her daddy spoils her rotten.)

Jonah is a good big brother

Here he's reading to the "little ones" while I fold laundry.

Making a fashion statement

I probably wouldn't have paired that sweater with that shirt. I also probably would have properly buttoned the shirt and made sure it wasn't inside out. (Can you imagine how hard it was for him to button that?) But I'm not Noah, and this is how he did decide to dress himself. Good thing we have nowhere to go today.

I was taking pictures of Micah

And his "mommy" wanted to be on the pictue, too. (They're looking to the side because Jonah was making faces at them.)

Poor Micah

Selah really seems to think he's her toy.

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No words necessary

This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Poor Micah

Monday, April 5, 2010

I heard Selah say 'Mmmm...Mmmm'

And found her licking a chocolate cross.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Best we've got

I never seem to get a picture of all 4-in fact I think that this is the first since Micah's Christening. (And I do hope to eventually post those pictures!)
On a side note, we went and got the kids a few needed things from Kohl's last night. First thing they did this morning was put their stuff on. Poor Noah just got sandals (and they're too small) but Jonah and Selah got some warmer weather clothes and Selah flipped out when Bryan tried to take them off to put a onsies on her. Full-fledged fit. She's got some girl tendencies after all. Sadly, we are still having issues finding shoes that fit on her feet and whenever we try some one she wants to keep them, even when they don't fit. (Insuing in another fit.) And Jonah's favorite thing is his new running shoes-he's been begging for weeks for some so that he can run with me. I love his enthusiasm and am thinking about putting him in a kids' race this summer.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Selah's first bath in 4 days

She's BEGGING me to wash her hair!