These are all mixed up. But if I try to fix them I'm sure you'll never see them so bear with me!
Micah playing with Uncle Jonah. He is SUCH a happy baby when he's getting attention!
Selah after destroying Daddy's Sears tower- I think there are pics of that somewhere in here...
She got into Daddy's deoderant. You probably can't tell but there are little blue pieces all over the floor. And she rubbed it all in her hair- but hey, she smelled good!
Had to buy Miss Trouble a crib and a crib tent because she kept climbing out of the pack n play and making some major trouble. She hates it but so far it works. (She's sleeping peacefully if you can't tell.)
Daddy left the tea bags out. Selah ripped one open and dumped it before I got to her.
Selah shared her apple with her brother- wasn't that sweet?
If you haven't heard, we really hope that things are going work out this time and this will be our new house in less than 2 weeks. Bryan made the kids a coutdown. We hope to close on the 19th. I will post pictures once we do, don't want to jinx us.s
Another of Bryan's creations
Sneaking tastes of marshmallow fondant
Chocolate? Nope haven't seen any around here! I'm just playing nicely with my baby here!
Dr Wilhelm, off to surgery
(We went trunk or treating with some friends the Friday before Halloween before heading off to Ohio.)
Cute little monkey and duck
Not liking the hood, though.
Dr Wilhelm after a successful surgery
Cpt Wilhelm, top gun pilot
But Mom! I shared with Micah, too!
Our niece, Alazay at her Christening
Our nephew Makian got a turn, too. They both did very well!
Noah was goofing off out of range of the camera.
Last time Bryan lit a candle in this church he dropped it(at our wedding.) Guess he wasn't so nervous this time!
Uncle Jonah did a good job, too!
The kids got to bring up the gifts, which was fun.
Micah came down with something and has had a miserable week, but Mass was peaceful as he just passed out on Grandpa!
That's Mr Micah for you.
Micah with his godparents, Uncle Jonah and Aunt Allison.
Makian and Alazay's cake
I appologize for being so far behind.
My mom also turned 50, though I doubt she wants me to share that! I couldn't find my camera and thought it was left behind when we celebrated but I do have a picture from my camera of the cake. (Unfortunately I seem to have lost my phone so I will have to post that seperately!) It was nice to see all of my family, it's been more than a year since we've gotten together!